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Updating cartArray from ViewModel doesn’t append to the current elements, but adds object everytime freshly. I need to maintain cartArray as global array so that it can be accessed from any view of the project. I’m adding elements to cartArray from ViewModel. I took a separate class DataStorage which has objects that can be accessible through out the project

import SwiftUI

struct Example_AppApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

import Foundation

class DataStorage: ObservableObject {
    @Published var cartArray = [Book]()
import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var showSheetView = false

    var body: some View {
                    Button(action: {
                    }) {
                        Image(systemName: "")
        }.sheet(isPresented: $showSheetView) {

struct ListViewDisplay: View{
    var book = [
       Book(bookId: 1 ,bookName: "Catch-22"),
       Book(bookId: 2 ,bookName: "Just-Shocking" ),
       Book(bookId: 3 ,bookName: "Stephen King" ),
       Book(bookId: 4,bookName: "A Gentleman in Moscow"),
    var body: some View {
        List(book, id: .id) { book in

            NavigationLink(destination: View1(book: book)) {


import Foundation

struct Book: Codable, Identifiable {
    var id:String{bookName}  
    var bookId : Int
    var bookName: String

 struct BookOption: Codable{
    var name: String
    var price: Int

import Foundation
import Combine

class View1ViewModel : ObservableObject{
    var dataStorage = DataStorage()
    func addBook (bookId:Int ,bookName : String){
           dataStorage.cartArray.append(Book(bookId:bookId, bookName: bookName)) // Adding to global array

import SwiftUI

struct View1: View {
    @ObservedObject var vwModel = View1ViewModel()
    @EnvironmentObject var datastrg: DataStorage
    var book:Book
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
            vwModel.addBook(bookId: book.bookId, bookName: book.bookName)
        }, label: {
            Text("Add Book to Cart")
                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 60)
                .font(.custom("OpenSans-Bold", size: 24))


import SwiftUI

struct View3: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var datastorage : DataStorage
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(datastorage.cartArray,{book in

                        .font(.custom("OpenSans-Bold", size: 20))
                    .navigationBarTitle(Text("Cart"), displayMode: .inline)

When addBook func is called for the first time it prints as

[Example_App.Book(bookId: 1, bookName: "Catch-22")]

When I go back and come back to this View1 and add another book by calling addBook func it adds as new object to cartArray

[Example_App.Book(bookId: 3, bookName: "Stephen King")]

Printing number of elements in cartArray gives as 1 element instead of 2 elements. When I go to View3 and display the Books in list, cartArray shows as empty(0 elements)

I think there is something wrong with var dataStorage = DataStorage() in ViewModel class. Everytime this is being created freshly, so the prevoius values are not stored. But I couldn’t understand how to preserve its state
How to display List in View3 ? Any ideas/ suggestions will be helpful



  1. You are not calling your function addBook anywhere, add an onappear to your view3 calling the function and your list will populate with data.

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  2. You need to have one instance of DataStorage that gets passed around. Any time you write DataStorage() that creates a new instance.

    .environmentObject will let you inject that one instance into the view hierarchy. Then, you can use the @EnvironmentObject property wrapper to access it within a View.

    Inside View1, I used onAppear to set the dataStorage property on View1ViewModel — that means that it has to be an optional on View1ViewModel since it will not be set in init. The reason I’m avoiding setting it in init is because an @EnvironmentObject is not set as of the init of the View — it gets injected at render time.

    struct Example_AppApp: App {
        var dataStorage = DataStorage()
        var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {
    class DataStorage: ObservableObject {
        @Published var cartArray = [Book]()
    struct ContentView: View {
        @State var showSheetView = false
        var body: some View {
                                            Button(action: {
                    }) {
                        Image(systemName: "")
            }.sheet(isPresented: $showSheetView) {
    struct ListViewDisplay: View {
        var book = [
            Book(bookId: 1 ,bookName: "Catch-22"),
            Book(bookId: 2 ,bookName: "Just-Shocking" ),
            Book(bookId: 3 ,bookName: "Stephen King" ),
            Book(bookId: 4,bookName: "A Gentleman in Moscow"),
        var body: some View {
            List(book, id: .id) { book in
                NavigationLink(destination: View1(book: book)) {
    struct Book: Codable, Identifiable {
        var id:String{bookName}
        var bookId : Int
        var bookName: String
    struct BookOption: Codable{
        var name: String
        var price: Int
    class View1ViewModel : ObservableObject{
        var dataStorage : DataStorage?
        func addBook (bookId:Int ,bookName : String) {
            guard let dataStorage = dataStorage else {
                fatalError("DataStorage not set")
            dataStorage.cartArray.append(Book(bookId:bookId, bookName: bookName)) // Adding to global array
    struct View1: View {
        @ObservedObject var vwModel = View1ViewModel()
        @EnvironmentObject var datastrg: DataStorage
        var book:Book
        var body: some View {
            Button(action: {
                vwModel.addBook(bookId: book.bookId, bookName: book.bookName)
            }, label: {
                Text("Add Book to Cart")
                    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 60)
                    .font(.custom("OpenSans-Bold", size: 24))
                .onAppear {
                    vwModel.dataStorage = datastrg
    struct View3: View {
        @EnvironmentObject var datastorage : DataStorage
        var body: some View {
            NavigationView {
                List(datastorage.cartArray,{book in
                            .font(.custom("OpenSans-Bold", size: 20))
                .navigationBarTitle(Text("Cart"), displayMode: .inline)
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