Question posted in Xcode
Whether you're new to Xcode or an experienced developer, our archive has everything you need to know about this integrated development environment (IDE). From basic functionalities to advanced features, our archive covers a wide range of Xcode-related questions and answers. Browse our archive now and find solutions to your Xcode questions, and take your app development skills to the next level
Whether you're new to Xcode or an experienced developer, our archive has everything you need to know about this integrated development environment (IDE). From basic functionalities to advanced features, our archive covers a wide range of Xcode-related questions and answers. Browse our archive now and find solutions to your Xcode questions, and take your app development skills to the next level
Just go to XCode settings and sign in again under Accounts tab
I also got this. I followed Alex’s own answer but it didn’t worked (and I wasn’t signed off).
I just quit Xcode and opened again.
Open Safari browser, sign in to and retry distribute app. You will get this error, if not signed in.
I was on a VNC session and had to first run:
Just quit xcode and open again worked for me.