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I am having issues with errors in Xcode. I have purposely set errors in my code just so the errors show up, but they only appear for 5 seconds then disappear. Which is making debugging extremely difficult. Is this a bug in Xcode’s lates release?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It is a bug with Xcode 14. Just use Xcode 13.4.1.

  2. As per GreyFox93’s answer here:

    I found that executing Xcode with Rosetta avoid that bug to occur. Maybe we loose a bit of performance but it’s much more convenient to debug

    In your Application folder, find Xcode, right click on it, then select "Show info". Here check the "Open with Rosetta" box. Restart Xcode if it was already opened.

    Everything works great again on my side

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  3. From "boywhocodes" I used his suggestion which worked at once for me:

    Cleaning Derived Data folder worked for me : Go to Xcode -> Settings -> Locations -> Derived Data -> Click on the right arrow icon Delete the Derived data folder and run again.

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  4. I have tried everything and seems the only way that you can prevent Xcode error messages from disappearing is to disable indexing in your Xcode.
    You can disable indexing with typing following command in the terminal:

    defaults write IDEIndexDisable 1

    and you can simply re-eanble it with this:

    defaults write IDEIndexDisable 0
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  5. Seems to be an Xcode bug, what helps me is to uncheck the Show Live Issues option.

    Xcode > Preferences > General or Command + ,
    enter image description here

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