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Getting a 'module flutter_native_splash' not found error in Xcode when I try to build and run the code, while I see it in the pubspec file. I have installed it, created it again, I see the assets but when I try to build it in Xcode, I am getting the ‘Module ‘flutter_native_splash’ not found error.

Any chance someone knows why? Using the latest dep version (flutter_native_splash: ^2.3.8 in pubspec.yaml). I made the upgrade from version 2.1.6. It is correctly indented, nothing crazy and prior to the Flutter upgrade, it was all working.

Device: iPhone 15 simulator
OS: latest MacOS on M2 Pro

  1. Build app in Xcode Getting error ‘Module ‘flutter_native_splash’,
    preventing it from building it in Runner > GeneratedPluginRegistrant. Note that it also changed / removed my logos, which I had set



  1. I had the same issue and following steps solved it:

    flutter clean

    flutter pub cache repair

    flutter pub get

    cd ios and pod install

    hope it work for you too.

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  2. I solved this issue using Android Studio by executing the following commands one by one:

    flutter clean && rm -rf Pods && rm Podfile.lock Podfile
    cd ios
    rm -rf Pods
    rm Podfile.lock Podfile
    flutter run

    The reference

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