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I have an json object and store it as initialData and after some changes in store the json object into another modifiedData. Now I am trying to compare two json object of initialData and modifiedData but i could not able to compare it.

Note: Here json object are dynamic value.

Sample code:

let jsonObjectVal = JSON(message.body)
let initialData = jsonObjectVal

In save action i have modifiedData object.

 let jsonObjectModVal = JSON(message.body)
 let modifiedData = jsonObjectModVal

 if initialFormDataJson == jsonObjectVal {
     print("json object are equal save handler")
   } else  {      
     print("json object are not equal save handler")

Any help much appreciated pls…



  1. Create a NSObject class or struct from the JSON and compare all the properties to check for equality and return true/false accordingly.
    Equatable protocol will come in handy here.

    class A: Equatable {
        func equalTo(rhs: A) -> Bool {
            // whatever equality means for two As
    func ==(lhs: A, rhs: A) -> Bool {
        return lhs.equalTo(rhs)
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  2. Here’s an example with a random data structure on how exactly you can do it:

    import Foundation
    final class YourObject: Decodable, Equatable {
        var field1: String
        var field2: Int
        var field3: [String : Double]
        static func == (lhs: YourObject, rhs: YourObject) -> Bool {
            lhs.field1 == rhs.field1
                && lhs.field2 == rhs.field2
                && lhs.field3 == rhs.field3
    let firstJSONString = """
       "field1":"Some string",
          "Some string":2
    let firstJSONData = .utf8)!
    let firstObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(YourObject.self, from: firstJSONData)
    let secondJSONString = """
       "field1":"Some string",
          "Some string":2
    """ // Same.
    let secondJSONData = .utf8)!
    let secondObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(YourObject.self, from: secondJSONData)
    let thirdJSONString = """
       "field1":"Some other string",
          "Some string":3
    """ // Differs.
    let thirdJSONData = .utf8)!
    let thirdObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(YourObject.self, from: thirdJSONData)
    print(firstObject == secondObject) // true
    print(firstObject == thirdObject) // false

    Note: You mentioned that the object should be dynamic, that’s why it’s a class. If you needed a value object, you would be able to use struct and avoid manual implementation of the ==operator.

    It’s just a start of course. Having a specific JSON structure in your hands you can always search for more complicated examples, internet swarms with them.

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  3. For Compare 2 objects use === operator

    for eg.

    let jsonObjectModVal = JSON(message.body)
     let modifiedData = jsonObjectModVal
     if initialFormDataJson === jsonObjectVal {
         print("json object are equal save handler")
       } else  {      
         print("json object are not equal save handler")
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  4. If you want to compare two completely arbitrary JSON objects (e.g. for unit testing), I’d suggest using the GenericJSON library. Add it to your project and/or Package.swift, and then (borrowing from @lazarevzubov’s answer):

    import GenericJSON
    // Assume `YourObject` is `Encodable`
    let testObject = YourObject(field1: "Some string", field2: 1, field3: ["Some string": 2])
    let expectedData = """
       "field1":"Some string",
          "Some string":2
    """.data(using: .utf8)!
    let expectedJSON = try? JSON(JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: expectedData))
    let actualJSON = try? JSON(encodable: testObject)
    XCTAssertEqual(actualJSON, expectedJSON, "JSON should be equal")

    A nice bonus is that you don’t need to add any otherwise unnecessary Decodable or Equatable conformance to your model objects.

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