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I am new to Flutter. I have developed a project using flutter for both ios and android using android studio on my macOS. I don’t have a real time ios device with me but I want to share this app with my colleagues. How can I generate a .ipa for my project similar to a .apk?



  1. Just run flutter build ipa

    It builds an iOS archive bundle (Mac OS X host only).

    You can get more info running flutter build ipa -h

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  2. Sorry you can’t create .ipa file with out a Mac ,there are some online Mac server u can use it by paying for 1 hr like that ,but believe me that would not work

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  3. I suggest you to buy a used phone on Amazon / Ebay / BackMarket etc.
    I did it, some apps required physical device for test because some features are not avalable on emulator and differ from Android.

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