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I want to UI test my app with push notifications and maybe some of you have found a best practice. There are a lot tutorials and questions but I wasn’t able to find a satisfying answer.

  1. Start test
  2. Send push notifcation
  3. Tap push notifcation
  4. Do stuff

But what would be the best practice to send the push notification?

  • Rest Call that triggers the push notification
  • Get access to the terminal (but how?) and run: xcrun simctl push <device> ExamplePush.apns
  • Send local push notifications?
  • Mock Server
  • use a Framework like Mussel

Thanks! 🙂



  1. For testing purpose if you want to create testing push notification then

    This library is very helpful.

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  2. Use terminal to test push notification with single line command

    Install Houston in your Mac, run below command in terminal.

    1. gem install houston

      If you are facing error like this,

      Fetching houston-2.4.0.gem
      ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::FilePermissionError)
      You don’t have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0 directory.

      First run below commands in terminal to install Ruby

      brew install ruby

      export GEM_HOME="$HOME/.gem"

      gem install rails

      after successful installation run again

      gem install houston

    2. Go to the pem files folder and open terminal from that folder.

    3. Run below command like

      apn push "Device Token" -c PEM_FILE_NAME -m "MESSAGE"


      apn push "5a4b74d5e5fc325b14d2f2641aa11bfb9744d1f88922822a5ed3512376d5f5b9" -c myapp_apns_dev.pem -m "Testing"

    after successful run of above command it will ask for PEM pass phrase which is password of your pem file.

    If your app is lived then use production pem file name

    like this,

    apn push "5a4b74d5e5fc325b14d2f2641aa11bfb9744d1f88922822a5ed3512376d5f5b9" -c myapp_apns_pro.pem -m "Testing"


    For UI Testing you can use Local notification,

    You have to set categoryIdentifier for local notification also make sure that same categoryIdentifier set into UNNotificationExtensionCategory in your AppExtension Info.plist file

    For more in detail kindly refer below link,have%20its%20unique%20category%20Identifier.

    Below is the sample code to fire local notification with Category Identifier

    let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
    content.title = title
    content.body = body
    content.categoryIdentifier = "LOCAL_NOTIFICATION"
    if let info = userInfo {
           let dic = ["body" : "Custom Data"]
           content.userInfo = dic as [AnyHashable : Any]
    content.sound = UNNotificationSound.init(named: UNNotificationSoundName(rawValue: sound))
    let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 1, repeats: false)
    let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "LOCAL_NOTIFICATION", content: content, trigger: trigger)
    let notificationCenter = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
         notificationCenter.add(request) { (error) in
              if let error = error {
                    print("Error (error.localizedDescription)")
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