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Has anyone used fastlane with flutter and two flavors? I have a flutter application with two schemes App_A and App_B. I am trying to configure fastlane for configuration App_A.
My project:

  • configuration: (Debug-App_A, Debug-App_B, Release-App_A, Release-AppB)
  • targets: (App_A, App_B)
  • scheme: (App_A, App_B)

List of command I do:

  • flutter clean
  • flutter build ios --flavour App_A
  • cd ios
  • fastlane ios beta


[20:01:03]: ▸ ❌  error: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-App_A/Pods-App_A-frameworks-Release-input-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'App_A' from project 'Runner')
[20:01:03]: ▸ ❌  error: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-App_A/Pods-App_A-frameworks-Release-output-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'App_A' from project 'Runner')
[20:01:03]: ▸ ❌  error: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-App_A/Pods-App_A-resources-Release-input-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'App_A' from project 'Runner')
[20:01:03]: ▸ ❌  error: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-App_A/Pods-App_A-resources-Release-output-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'App_A' from project 'Runner')



  1. After flutter clean do the following:

    flutter pub get
    cd ios
    pod update
    pod repo update
    pod install --repo-update
    pod update
    pod install

    Then, run the app to make sure everything is working fine,
    and now you can your lane

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  2. Solution:-

    flutter clean
    rm -Rf ios/Pods
    rm -Rf ios/.symlinks
    rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework
    rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec
    flutter pub get
    cd ios
    pod install 
    cd ..
    flutter build ios
    flutter run
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