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I have added Realm and RealmSwift libraries in my iOS project. My app was fine till 2 days back. Suddenly it started giving following error.

Error:Swift package target ‘Realm’ is linked as a static library by ‘Project’ and ‘Realm’, but cannot be built dynamically because there is a package product with the same name.

I don’t find any static libraries in my app. I tried deleting library from Project->Package Dependencies. But XCode is throwing below compiler Error
Missing required modules: ‘Realm.Private’, ‘Realm’, ‘Realm.Swift’



  1. This is likely due to a recent change in the Realm SDK and install setup.

    Please review the Install & Setup Guide.

    If you use Cocoapods, be sure your podfile matches the docs and adjust the iOS/macOS version accordingly.

    platform :ios, '12.0'  //or for macOS use platform :osx, '13.0'
    target 'MyDeviceSDKProject' do
      # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
      # Pods for MyDeviceSDKProject
      pod 'RealmSwift', '~>10'

    If using SPM, be sure to note the info the Dynamic Framework Section

    To use the Privacy Manifest supplied by the SDK, build RealmSwift as a
    dynamic framework.

    and be sure you’re only adding one package

    Changed in version 10.49.3: Instead of adding both, only add one

    Select either RealmSwift or Realm, then click Add Package.

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  2. For anyone else, as linked to by others, the Install Guide says to link to either Realm or RealmSwift (not too obvious).

    In my case, using SPM, I had to link my target to RealmSwift only.

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