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I am working on an app in SwiftUI, prior to iOS 14.2 UI updates were smooth as butter, But from iOS 14.2, UI updates with a large amount of data or complex data seem to be very laggy (for example using the LazyVGrid or LazyHGrid with a medium amount of data for more than 20 elements in the pageTabView makes the UI updates too slow.

Here is my code for GridView

 var body: some View {
    ScrollView {
        VStack {
            LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 10.0) {
                ForEach(self.favViewModel.favourites.indices, id: .self) { fav in
                    createGridCellView(fav: fav)
                        .onLongPressGesture {
                        self.selectedItem = fav
                        self.hasSelectedDropDown = true
                        .alert(isPresented: self.$showDeleteAlert, content: { () -> Alert in
                            Alert(title: Text("Are you sure you want to delete this?"), message: Text("There is no undo"), primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Delete")) {
                                self.favViewModel.send(action: .deleteFavourite(item: selectedItem))
                            }, secondaryButton: .cancel())
            Color.clear.padding(.bottom, 100)
        .actionSheet(isPresented: self.$hasSelectedDropDown, content: { () -> ActionSheet in
            ActionSheet(title: Text("Delete Favourite"), buttons: [.destructive(Text("Delete"), action: {
                self.showDeleteAlert = true
    .padding(.top, 10.0)
    .padding(.bottom, 30.0)

Grid Cell View

struct FavouriteGridCell: View {
@Binding var name: String
@State var icon: String
var handler: () -> Void

func createTransparentCircle() -> some View {
        .frame(width: 80, height: 80)
        .shadow(radius: 1.0)
        .background(BlurView(style: .light).cornerRadius(50.0).brightness(-0.1))

func createRectangleView() -> some View {
        .frame(height: 20.0)

var body: some View {
    VStack {
        ZStack {
                .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
        }.onTapGesture {
            .font(Font.custom(Theme.Fonts.Asap_Semibold, size: 14.0))
            .frame(minWidth: 0,
                   maxWidth: .infinity,
                   minHeight: 0,
                   maxHeight: .infinity,
                   alignment: .center)
        Color.clear.padding(.bottom, 10.0)


Code for PageTabView

VStack {
    TabView(selection: $currentPage){
    FavouriteGridView(favViewModel:       self.favouriteViewModel,soundsViewModel: self.soundsViewModel)
                        }.tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle(indexDisplayMode: .never))

Does anyone experience the same issues?

I am looking forward to your help. Thank You



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The issue was with the TabView(PageTabViewStyle), I don't know why, but since iOS 14.2 adding data in the tabview makes the UI unresponsive and laggy, For now, I ended up removing the PageTabView provided by the apple and added a custom Page style TabView from here

  2. my two cents for other people arriving here..

    I got an heavy performance problem.
    I DID use LazyVGrid from start, but I hade big performance issues the same.

    It was a stupid mistake (due to refactoring.. with few cells it does work fine..)

    I had:

      ScrollView {
                     ProductsLazyGrid(products: filteredProducts(),

    My mistake was:

    INSIDE ProductsLazyGrid I DID write another one:

       var body: some View {
            ScrollView {
                LazyVGrid(columns: calcColumns(), spacing: VSpacing)


    So first thing (before ever firing up Instruments… as per Apple:

    triple check nested Scrollviews.

    Hope can help.

    Technically I think nesting scrollViews will force SwiftUI to make calculations ANYWAY, zeroing any advantage of laziness.

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