I started a Visual Studio project.
To upload it to GitHub, I ran git add .
but I got this error:
open(".vs/projectdesign/FileContentIndex/362d2a41-e466-4aa4-a3cc-cb6615d99b12.vsidx"): Permission denied
error: unable to index file '.vs/projectdesign/FileContentIndex/362d2a41-e466-4aa4-a3cc-cb6615d99b12.vsidx'
fatal: adding files failed
My repository is public if it has anything to do with it and I don’t quite understand what the problem is.
When I just try to upload things to github it does give me so it surely means that it is related to the visual studio project.
Try add a .gitignore file. Before adding your project to Git, it’s a good idea to have a .gitignore file in your project’s root directory. This file tells Git which files or directories to ignore when adding or committing changes.
You should add .gitignore , if you have not .gitignore file you can create this with visual studio