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To connect local repo with my server site I use "Manual or pull deployment":

It worked super smooth for the first time.
But then when I continued doing commits and pulling them from github to my site the "Deploy Head commit" button stopped working…

The reason which is written is:

The system cannot deploy
For deployment, ensure that your repository meets the following requirements:

1. A valid .cpanel.yml file exists. For more information, read our documentation.
2. No uncommitted changes exist on the checked-out branch.

As for the .cpanel.yml file, it is definitely ok because it worked perfectly fine for the first time and because all the instructions in it were made exactly as were expected.

But I do not understand regarding "uncommitted changes". I do not do any changes on my checked-out-branch I only do pull into it from github as per instruction. So what is it about?

How can I get deployment to work again?



  1. I’m having this problem too, and have searched all the articles but nothing can solve this problem.

    However, I already know that the problem is that the .cpanel.yml file is not included in the git repository. if you put it in .gitignore no problem, but don’t do "git rm –cache .cpanel.yml" !

    make sure you have entered .cpanel.yml into the repository with the command:

    git add .cpanel.yml
    git commit -m 'add .cpanel.yml even though it is ignored or maybe not added yet'
    git push

    it sure works!!!

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  2. To authenticate or clone your GitHub repository via SSH, kindly remove the ".git" at the end of the URL and it will work just fine.

    Example: use "[email protected]:username/repository" instead of "[email protected]:username/repository.git"

    Please note that an SSH (public) key is required; Repository->Settings->Deploy keys.

    @Solomon Oki Ochepa – Oki Technologies Ltd.

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