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I want to run a php script every 5 minutes that processes some simple mysql queries to identify potential errors and in case an error is recorded as a database entry the php script sends out an email.

From my research, it seems like cron jobs (or task schedulers) usually take care of running scripts at specified times, however I cannot find this option anywhere at the hosting service I am using (who runs “Parallels Plesk Panel 11.0.9” as the management interface I can access).

Therefore I tried the following “trick”:

$active = $_GET["a"];
while($active == 1){
    include 'alert_exe.php';
    sleep(300); // execute script every 5 mins

To active the script I enter the url (“…/alert.php?a=1”). This works fine for a couple of minutes, however it seems after 2 or 3 minutes the script stops executing.

Any idea how I can prevent the stopping of the script or alternative suggestions how to achieve the automatic execution of a script every 5minutes (without being able to access cron jobs)?




  1. try this solution:

    $interval=5; //minutes
    while (true)

    Stop the script by restarting apache, or build in a return value from your internal script which changes while (true) to while (false)

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  2. There is a max_execution_time parameter which stops the script if it takes too long, 30 seconds by default, see the docs –

    You can try to do set_time_limit(0) at the beginning of your script (see, or change the max_execution_time parameter itself.

    But in general, I would not go with such solution, it is not very reliable. Better find a hosting where you can use cron or you can try to look for some external service which will ping your script every 5 minutes (probably you can use services which monitor the web application health).

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  3. It would not surprise me that a hosting service would protect its servers from getting overloaded with long-running scripts, and would configure a time-out after which such scripts are aborted (see PHP: Runtime Configuration Settings and max_execution_time in particular).

    If you have a PC that can stay turned on, an alternative solution would be to let it send a request to the server every 5 minutes:

        // Your PHP code that has to be executed every 5 minutes comes here
    setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(); }, 5*60*1000);
    // just show current time stamp to see time of last refresh.
    document.write(new Date());
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