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On a dialog I have RichText widget configured only with the bold plugin.

My Problem now is, that I have to change it so that the content is not saved inside <b>-Tags but inside <strong>-tags.

I tried to solve this with overriding the CQ.form.rte.commands.DefaultFormatting.getTagNameForCommand function. The Result is looking like this:

getTagNameForCommand: function(cmd) {
    var cmdLC = cmd.toLowerCase();
    var tagName = null;
    switch (cmdLC) {
        case "bold":
            tagName = "strong";
        case "italic":
            tagName = "i";
        case "underline":
            tagName = "u";
        case "subscript":
            tagName = "sub";
        case "superscript":
            tagName = "sup";
    return tagName;

Unfortunately it works only if I open the dialog and set something “bold”. After saving and reopening the dialog again it is not possible anymore to remove the <strong>-Tags.

I also tried to override/extend the CQ.form.rte.plugins.FormatPlugin and CQ.form.rte.commands.DefaultFormatting to support a “strong” command. This results also in the same problem.

My client wants the <strong>-tag because of some SEO issues. He won’t accept the <b>-Tag.

Is there a way to solve that?


The solution given on <strong> tag getting replaced to <b> tag in CQ5 doesn’t work. Adding the described configuration does not save strong tags. As I understand the solution it is only for the MiscTools.



  1. I wanted to do the same thing in AEM6. I’ve taken the approach of copying the relevant js, /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/commands/DefaultFormatting.js and adding it under the apps content folder, /apps/cq/ui/rte/core/commands/DefaultFormatting.js I then amended the copy of DefaultFormatting.js copied under apps. AEM6 then seems to use the ‘overlay’ technique to apply the strong tag.

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  2. Please follow the steps mentioned in this answer


    then on typeConfig node add the boolean property useSemanticMarkup as true.

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  3. In AEM 6.3 I’ve been able to get the RTE to use strong and em tags in place of b and i by adding the following node as a sibling to the uiSettings and rtePlugins nodes in the dialog.

    <htmlRules jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
        <docType jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
            <typeConfig jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"

    I’ve also noticed that you have to add a space to previously authored richtext content in order to get the component to notice the change and swap the tags.

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