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I am trying to use Paypal REST api with retrofit, but i am getting the following error

{"name":"INVALID_REQUEST","message":"Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violates schema.","debug_id":"2689a7ff7bf28","details":[{"field":"/purchase_units","value":"","location":"body","issue":"MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER","description":"A required field / parameter is missing."},{"field":"/intent","value":"","location":"body","issue":"MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER","description":"A required field / parameter is missing."}],"links":[{"href":"","rel":"information_link","encType":"application/json"}]

here is the request body

Request{method=POST, url=, tags={class retrofit2.Invocation=c.shobaky.tofahaway.orderRequest.Order() [application/json, Bearer A21AAJ-S4HTuRR7ip1zAflRxUBsIVeEkxAAVWM7ZEB7uvn8g-0GBk6Swa3gwWMIiQYBtsXUssvzKWHv6IHDHYIQjREv6ToYow, CAPTURE, [{"currency_code":"USD","value":"100"}]]}}

Here is the code

 Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl("")
    orderRequest Order = retrofit.create(orderRequest.class);

    JSONArray Purchase = new JSONArray();
    JSONObject Amount = new JSONObject();
    try {
    } catch (JSONException e) {

    Call<String> call = Order.Order("application/json","Bearer A21AAJ-S4HTuRR7ip1zAflRxUBsIVeEkxAAVWM7ZEB7uvn8g-0GBk6Swa3gwWMIiQYBtsXUssvzKWHv6IHDHYIQjREv6ToYow","CAPTURE",Purchase);


public void onResponse(Call<String> call, Response<String> response) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {

public void onFailure(Call<String> call, Throwable t) {


I got the access token using curl by passing the client id and secret id, so i am almost sure it isn’t about the authorization, it looks like it has something to do with "intent" and "purchase unit"

i used this request before the previous one and also didn’t work

{method=POST, url=, tags={class retrofit2.Invocation=c.shobaky.tofahaway.orderRequest.Order() [application/json, Bearer A21AAJQvfCFvMKkiWA9anZaEU_hBJ0Pb_TPOQtjqtCjFc39nc_rX6Y5RsCKoYbseMjgiCeGPMhyD5Omqw2tUlgh2EZT-9kiXQ, CAPTURE, [{"amount":{"currency_code":"USD","value":"100"}}]]}}



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    cURL doesn't work properly in windows prompt, so i used power shell and worked well!

  2. Not only does your "request body" show a URL with query string parameters, which is wrong, but you are also sending an empty POST body to PayPal, which is where the well-formed JSON with a purchase_units array needs to be.

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