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I am testing out the payment of an invoice in the PayPal sandbox environment.

I use the API to create and send the invoice. The status shows as SENT. I click the link returned by the /send method to open an view the invoice. It opens up as expected in my browser in the Sandbox environment. I click on the "Pay" link, and a popup window opens and I process a credit card payment.

However, when I then query the status of the invoice in the API, it remains in SENT status. Should this not advance to PAID?

Also, I have configured the INVOICES.INVOICE.PAID webhook as well as the PAYMENT.AUTHORIZATION.CREATED webook, but neither of them fired when payment was made.

Can anyone tell me what I am missing?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Turns out the issue was that I had to use a specific credit card defined for the account in the Sandbox environment. Once that was done, all processed as expected.

  2. Does the receiving account have a confirmed email identifier within the sandbox environment?

    If that’s not the issue, you’ll need to post more detailed information of the responses you’re getting.

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