Jquery – PHP receives no parameter via AJAX
I try to hand over a parameter, a String, that is determined by user input via Ajax to a PHP Programm, but the php does not receive the parameter I try to handover. Then Ajax should return a JSON const…
I try to hand over a parameter, a String, that is determined by user input via Ajax to a PHP Programm, but the php does not receive the parameter I try to handover. Then Ajax should return a JSON const…
After trying not to redirect the user that has submitted the form, I had trouble sending the form to my form service. I setup a Formspark form to use on framer.com. Framer.com forces me to use Typescript which I don't…
Is it possible to cleanly combine this function. I am using mouseenter function to show my ajax page content and hide it with mouseleave $(function() { $("#card_client").mouseenter(function(){ $("#results").load("data/show_card.php"); $("#results").show(); }); $("#card_client").mouseleave(function(){ $("#results").hide(); }); });
I've redacted some info that's not relevant. I have a WordPress site and I've made a plugin meant for updating a database I've created. To put it simply I have a tool and I want to limit the amount of…
there is a part of my form in which a user can enter the building and room and click the add button if they want to enter another building and room. I am using AJAX to populate the rooms based…
Problem is the modal will show success message whether the form is empty . I wish to get the success message only if data entered in database otherwise show error message. here is my blade page. Repository concept is used…
I'm wondering what would be the simplest method, using JavaScript, to check if the origin server is accessible and available to process Ajax requests? To provide more context: there are pages on this site, built in WordPress, that provide filterable…
I am trying to create editable table, I am using ajax request for the same by following a tutorial over youtube, but the ajax request to save the changes after editing the table seems to fail, please suggest me the…
Laravel 11 AJAX request only showing the response data instead of executing the success function in AJAX. I have added all the code below. Index.blade.php: <table id="employeesTable" class="table table-hover datatable"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Image</th> <th>Full Name</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Details</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Action</th>…
I am fetching data with all() method in Laravel and passing it to view, where I update the page data through ajax without refreshing the page, so the problem is the page is working fine with small data like 300…