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how to orchestrate subsets of docker compose services

I am using a bunch of docker containers to run a webserver + database + whatever else. Currently I have each service defined in it's own docker-compose.yml, file like... project-root/docker/ /base/docker-compose.yml /postgres/docker-compose.yml /web-server/docker-compose.yml /web-app/docker-compose.yml /rabbitmq/docker-compose.yml /reverse-proxy/docker-compose.yml ...etc. Depending on the…


Docker – trivy pipeline for multiple containers

this is my first time working with trivy and clair on Azure DevOps using self-hosted agent and I just tried this pipeline that I have found on GitHub name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(date:yyyyMMdd)_$(BuildID)$(rev:.r) resources: - repo: self variables: image_name: openjdk image_tag: 17-jdk-slim jobs:…


Docker – .NET 8 Azure Functions Container CORS

I just containerized a .NET 8 Azure Functions app. It works, but I can't make CORS work. // Program.cs using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using MongoDB.Driver; using APIs.Services.Azure.Storage.Queue; using APIs.Services.Cache; using APIs.Services.DocumentDB.Repositories; using APIs.Services.MongoDB.Repositories; using APIs.Services.User; using APIs.Services.Logzio; using…

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