Twitter bootstrap – How to href an Alert Box?
How can I "href" an alert box that can be stylized? I meant to get an alert box when clicking "About", and I mean to stylize this box modifying its transparency and fonts. I have few ideas of how to…
How can I "href" an alert box that can be stylized? I meant to get an alert box when clicking "About", and I mean to stylize this box modifying its transparency and fonts. I have few ideas of how to…
I have a navigation bar and a sub-navigation bar in my app. In the sub bar it's possible to press on a button and I want this button to open a new sub bar which will hide the original bar.…
This is a webpage example of my site: <html> <title> artilce header </title> <body> <header> <h1> nme of website</h1></header> <section> <h2> name of section</h2> <article> <h3>article header</h3> </article> </section> </body> </html> I want to know if this order is correct?…
Trying to Slide h3 title to right direction by jquery to this slider. This slider has fade effect by default, I'm trying give slideRight effect to h3 title of slider. HTML: <div id="headslide"> <ul> <li class="post-content"> <div class="slidshow-thumbnail"> <a href="#">…
I was trying to make a Twitter Bootstrap website. And this wrapping relationship confused me. I list what's the main difference between two demos. First one: Demo site / JS Bin <div class="navbar navbar-default"> <div class="container"> <a href="" class="navbar-brand"></a> <div…
I've been trying to use the <figure>-element. So far so good and hopefully it'll make my website more SEO. But! There is this thing where it adds an extra margin/padding (although all of them are set as margin:0; padding:0;). It's…
This is the beginning of my html: <html xmlns=""> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> <script type="script" src=""></script> </head> <body> <h1>Delta Fresh Samples:</h1> <p>save date: 08:23:11 31-May-02015</p> <div class="jumbotron" id="distance_small"> <h3>distance small</h3><a href="">0_1</a> <br> <a href=",42.3317,-71.1052,42.3261,-71.0872,42.3354,-71.0570,42.3295,-71.0376,42.3394),(-71.1208,42.3317,-71.0754,42.3311,-71.0617,42.3428,-71.0376,42.3394),(-71.1208,42.3317,-71.0675,42.3525,-71.0376,42.3395)"> <img alt="missing livemap"…
I'm trying to print a tooltip with HTML, but I need to espace some of these html. I tried something but without success. Here is my example: In this example I want to escape all html inside of <code>.…
I have a form as exemplified by this fiddle, Essentially, I have a form whose inputs are all center aligned which is exactly how I want them to appear, however I would very much like to have the labels…
I noticed this issue caused by localisation typo - there was a space left in the end of the translation, which caused an unexpected effect. I've reproduced it in the following fiddle: <style> .label { display: inline; padding: .2em .6em…