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Html – I am trying to display two columns within a row in my ionic/angular project. the its just creating a stack where the other content is in the bottom

I am trying to display two columns within a row in my ionic/angular project. the its just creating a stack where the other content is in the bottom. this is also my css <ion-grid class="rewards-container" *ngIf="!noRewardsData"> <ion-row class="row-container"> <ng-container *ngFor="let…


Javascript – how to prevent special charactors in ion-input .?

special characters are accepting in input field . i am using the field for storing the serial number. serial number is alphanumeric <ion-input [(ngModel)]="serial_number" (ngModelChange)="validation($event)" #serialno id="serialno" class="cac-input"></ion-input> validation(event) { const inputElement = document.getElementById('serialno') as HTMLInputElement; const pattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/;…

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