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I was trying to enable Advertiser Tracking using capacitor-community
facebook-login plugin.i found a method for enabling ( i guess ) in documentation of facebook-login plugin but there is no documentation for how to use it and demo project given also not mentioning about apis present in given plugin.

method defined in documentation:


but when I try to use it I am getting the error

property ‘setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled’ does not exist on type ‘FacebookLoginPlugin’.ts(2339)

my code so far

async enableAdvertiserTracking(){
    await FacebookLogin.setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled({ enabled: true; })



  1. you can use cordova facebook-connect plugin although it bit has a method to enable advertiser tracking.

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  2. The method is available in latest version ( starting from 5.0.0 ) of @capacitor-community/facebook-login.

    may be you are using older version of the same should call this method after requesting tracking permission from user in ios.

    for that purpose you can use mentioned below

    let response = await AppTrackingTransparency.getStatus();
    if (response.status === 'notDetermined') {
      // Ask user consent to track
      response = await AppTrackingTransparency.requestPermission();
    // set based on user consent
    if(response.status === 'authorized'){
      await FacebookLogin.setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled({ enabled: true; })
    } else {
      await FacebookLogin.setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled({ enabled: false; })

    if you are using capacitor version below 5 you won’t be able to use setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled from @cacpacitor-community/facebook-login.

    if your are on capacitor 4 or less you can use @captive/capacitor-facebook-analytics version 1.0.0 to acheive that case you have to change last few lines as below

    if(response.status === 'authorized'){
    } else {
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