AndEngine Drop shadow for sprite – Photoshop
I use AndEngine, And I need to drop shadow for sprite. In sprite I use png texture. Can I draw shadow in code, or need draw it on Photoshop and impose under sprite?
I use AndEngine, And I need to drop shadow for sprite. In sprite I use png texture. Can I draw shadow in code, or need draw it on Photoshop and impose under sprite?
I'm using Wildfly 8.2 and fire a series of DB requests when a certain web page is opened. All queries are invoked thru JPA Criteria API, return results as expected - and - none of them delivers a warning, error…
I think I've just pinpointed the problem, but I'm still not sure what to do about it. I've created various animated gifs using Photoshop and I wanted to display them in my java application. Using ImageIcon, some of them display…
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we are working on a little Java game, based on the game Blokus. Blokus-Manual I'm a Java-beginner and plan to implement an advanced artificial intelligence. We already have a random AI (picks a random valid move) and an AI with…
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I can't understand what element I should work to do this task. I tried .tab-header-area .tab{ -fx-background-color:red; -fx-padding:30px; } EDIT 1 This is what I get But I have the same tab header inside big red rectangle. How can I…
I have designed a main menu screen for my app, including the buttons and background and I want to know is it possible to link these buttons directly from background without putting each one of them in draw-able folder? or…