Php versions – 502 after installing Herd and going back to Valet
I was excited to try the just released Laravel Herd ( so i didn’t read that there wasn’t the pdo_pgsql
I was excited to try the just released Laravel Herd ( so i didn’t read that there wasn’t the pdo_pgsql
Python Code:
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Cipher import AES<br
I am new in Laravel.I have a laravelcollective textarea in my blade that I store its value in a database:<br
facing the error that my windows server 2019 uses 32bit. now i want to connect from that server with php
Is there any way to create a relationship on a Laravel model using an "OR" condition for the field used
I’m new to Laravel 10, and I recently installed Jetstream. When I run php artisan route:list in the console, I
i am getting an error 404 not found when accessing home.blade.php located in resources/views
here’s the controller called
How to identify in the backend if the store is using Checkout blocks [classic_checkout] or WooCommerce checkout with shortcode [woocommerce_checkout].<br
I’ve got this instrunctions from Telegram documenation
but how to write it in PHP?
I tried this one:
I have this part of a php program:
$docx_filename = "/var/www/editeur/docx/".$file1
$command5 = "python3 "$docx_filename"";
$output = shell_exec($command5);