Mongodb – Id getting changed in spring boot request
I have created a project with spring boot and MongoDB as database. I am trying to hit a get request to fetch the data that I have saved in the database. For fetching that I am passing an id from…
I have created a project with spring boot and MongoDB as database. I am trying to hit a get request to fetch the data that I have saved in the database. For fetching that I am passing an id from…
I am trying to get the HTML page that I created. This is the structure of my project: This is the "IndexController" class: @RestController @AllArgsConstructor @RequestMapping(path = "/webpage") public class IndexController { @GetMapping(path = {"mainpage"}) @ResponseBody public String index(){ return…
On client side, i use dd/MM/yyyy date format. The field use a twitter bootstrap 3 datetime picker ( I enter via twitter bootstrap 3 datetime picker 24/07/2015 in my json i sent, i see: birthdate: "24/07/2015" In my dto, i…
In a web application, I use twitter bootstrap; on the server side, I use spring REST. I'm using bootstrap-datetimejs. I use two different date formats. $('#birthdatepicker').datetimepicker({ viewMode: 'years', format: 'DD/MM/YYYY', allowInputToggle: true }); $('#expirationDateCard1, #expirationDateCard2').datetimepicker({ format: 'MM/YYYY' }); When I…