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Php – Multiple url definition with conditions within the same controller for symfony's routing system

Is there a way that I can generate multiple URLs within the same controller that use the same structure? #[Route('/project/posts/{id}', name:"project-post-view")] //old url #[Route('/project/posts/{post_ulid}', name:"project-post-view")] #[Route('/project/posts/{slug}', name:"project-post-view")] // alternative url function projectViewPost(int $id, string $post_ulid, string $slug, ManagerRegistry $doctrine) {…


Php – Unable to use a custom ValueResolver

I'm developing a Symfony 7 REST API. I'm following the official docs to implement a custom argument resolver to handle mapping of the request payload format that my endpoints are receiving to DTOs ( Here's an example of a request…


Php – Symfony upgrade (4.4 -> 5.4) JsonManifestVersionStrategy issue

By upgrading Symfony from 4.4 to 5.4 I've taken an error Argument 2 passed to SymfonyComponentAssetVersionStrategyJsonManifestVersionStrategy::__construct() must be an instance of SymfonyContractsHttpClientHttpClientInterface or null, instance of GuzzleHttpClient given, called in /var/www/var/cache/dev/ContainerHhXYcwE/App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php JsonManifestVersionStrategy is not used in the project directly. Would…

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