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I have a bunch of repositories, and I often use methods like findOneBySomeField, findByAnotherField. These methods are not present in repository class but Doctrine can properly work with this.

And here is the problem: as these methods are not present in the repository class there are no typehints for arguments and return types.

I tried to add some PHPSTORM_META, like this:

namespace PHPSTORM_META {
        AppRepositoryMyEntityRepository::findOneByCode(0), map([
            '' => 'AppEntityMyEntity'

But this doesn’t work. Moreower, even if I can make it works, I need manually add all possible methods for findBy... and findOneBy.... But I have dosens (50+ in some entities) of fields in some entityes, so I need too many override directives. And I still don’t see any way to add typehints for args. It theoretically possible, because if I have string $code in my entity I should have findOneByCode(string $code) (argument type must be the same as the entity field type) and so on.

Is there a simple way to do that?



  1. Add @method PHPDoc tags to the repository class.

     * @extends ServiceEntityRepository<Post>
     * @method Post findOneByCode(string $code)
    final class PostRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
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