I’m trying to update my application to Android SDK 31 but I’m having an issue with MediaSessionCompat.
I have a MediaService that extends the MediaBrowserServiceCompat() and in method onCreate of that service I initialise the MediaSessionCompat.
override fun onCreate() {
mediaSession = MediaSessionCompat(this, TAG).apply {
isActive = true
But I’m having the following error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service com.radio.core.service.MediaService: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.xxx.xxx: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
Strongly consider using FLAG_IMMUTABLE, only use FLAG_MUTABLE if some functionality depends on the PendingIntent being mutable, e.g. if it needs to be used with inline replies or bubbles.
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(ActivityThread.java:4498)
at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:250)
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2064)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7829)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:982)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.xxx.xxx: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
Strongly consider using FLAG_IMMUTABLE, only use FLAG_MUTABLE if some functionality depends on the PendingIntent being mutable, e.g. if it needs to be used with inline replies or bubbles.
at android.app.PendingIntent.checkFlags(PendingIntent.java:375)
at android.app.PendingIntent.getBroadcastAsUser(PendingIntent.java:645)
at android.app.PendingIntent.getBroadcast(PendingIntent.java:632)
at android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat.<init>(MediaSessionCompat.java:567)
at android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat.<init>(MediaSessionCompat.java:537)
at android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat.<init>(MediaSessionCompat.java:501)
at android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat.<init>(MediaSessionCompat.java:475)
at com.radio.core.service.MediaService.onCreate(MediaService.kt:63)
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(ActivityThread.java:4485)
... 9 more
I’m using the most recent version of media library ("androidx.media:media:1.4.0") that is able to handle the this requirement from the Andriod "S"". As it’s possible to see in the MediaSessionCompact.java class.
// TODO(b/182513352): Use PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE instead from S.
* @hide
public static final int PENDING_INTENT_FLAG_MUTABLE =
Build.VERSION.CODENAME.equals("S") ? 0x02000000 : 0;
if (mbrComponent != null && mbrIntent == null) {
// construct a PendingIntent for the media button
Intent mediaButtonIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON);
// the associated intent will be handled by the component being registered
mbrIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context,
0/* requestCode, ignored */, mediaButtonIntent,
Source code demonstrating the problem – https://github.com/adelinolobao/issue-media-session-compat
Do you guys have any idea how can I fix the error?
If your app targets Android 12, you must specify the mutability of each
object that your app creates.In your case,
was responsible for creatingPendingItent
during initialization ofMediaSessionCompat
Luckily, there is an additional
for theMediaSessionCompat
class, so we can passpendingItent
as a parameter.If we pass null for the
param, it will be initialized in the library.Source code: https://github.com/dautovicharis/issue-media-session-compat
Thanks go to:
In version 1.3.0 there were new changes in MediaSessionCompat where we can clearly see that something is missing related to Android 12 based on TODO(b/182513352) comment.
Until new
is released, using the workaround I have provided should work just fine.Update:
We hope that TODO(b/182513352) will be fixed in upcoming releases.
Until then, we can use
implementation "androidx.media:media:1.3.0-rc02
is supported.If you are NOT USING
anywhere. The issue might be resolved by adding or updating this dependencyThis fixed my problem.
You can execute
./gradlew app:dependencies
in the terminal in your project and discover what dependency is including work-runtime with and older version. Then you can try to upgrade that dependency in an effort of do the things rightSolved This Error
Just Used
for Android Version 12 OR AboveFor those using Java:
Add the following line to your
.This should be fixed now if you update to version at least 1.4.1
For me, I had to upgrade
Apparently play-services-ads:20.4.0 has a dependency on a version of work-runtime which doesn’t support sdk 31.
If you are not using pending intent in your app then try this one.
implementation ‘androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:2.7.0’
else If you are using pending intent, then change this
or for C#/Xamarin.Android:
I updated your libraries after changing SdkVersion to 31, then error is gone
If using java or react-native then paste this inside app/build.gradle
If using Kotlin then use this
Error when using PendingIntent
and if anybody still facing the crash issue for android 12 then make sure you add following in AndroidMenifest.xml
Upgrade app targets with Android Version 12 or S, Just Used PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE and PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
This is working for me ->
Change in notification.java
100% working
I am using Flag mutable for shedule call class
Sometimes you just need to update the Gradle build tool in Android studio. Simply upgrading to the latest version ironed out the issues that led to this for me.
To update to the latest version of Gradle, simple click the little Gradle update dialog that shows up at the bottom right corner of Android Studio.
Two changes are to be made
def work_version = "2.7.0"
Add FLAG_IMMUTABLE while creating pending intent
In my case, the reason is about old version Chuck library..
I have changed it from
to new implementation like
then crash was gone.
See the documentation : https://github.com/ChuckerTeam/chucker
Updating the version of the com.google.android.gms:play-services-analytics dependency to 18.0.1 in the build.gradle file solved an issue I was experiencing. In Ionic, you can also change the version in the config.xm
or removing and adding the plugin again adding the parameters with the proper versions for PLAY_SERVICES_VERSION and GMS_VERSION.
Also becareful, make sure if you do this change that you change all play services to the same version (18.+ in my case), for example I use cordova-plugin-googleplus, so you should change also the PLAY_SERVICES_VERSION for this plugin and all that inject a play-services dependency in the build.gradle file after the build.
In my case, I copied the implementation for hilt of other project that contains the hilt-worker while the current project is not implemented worker library yet and the error occurs.
I solved by just remove it, or implement the worker library if you need to use worker as the best answers above. Hope it can help