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the .collect part of the import stays red. I have checked for typos, checked my jetpack compose version and I have invalidated my cache and restarted android studio, but the error didn’t disappear. How can I solve this issue?

I am using collect in this function:

import androidx.compose.runtime.collect

fun startLocationUpdates() {
            locationUpdateScope.launch {
                location.collect { locationData: LocationData -> // Collect changes in location state
                    if (locationData != null) {
                        user.longitude = locationData.longitude
                        user.latitude = locationData.latitude
                        delay(timeMillis = 5000L) // Delay between updates// Pass location to updateLocation



  1. Is your build.gradle file set up with the dependencies?


    dependencies {

    then clean and rebuild your project

    Build -> Clean Project
    Build -> Rebuild Project

    If these steps worked, can you mark this answer as accepted

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  2. I’m not aware there exists a function androidx.compose.runtime.collect.

    If location is a Flow you can use this instead:

    import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect

    If location is a Compose State then you shouldn’t try to observe it directly. Just use it in a @Composable function and let the compose runtime manage that automatically.

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