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While Mahjong (the actual game, not Mahjong solitare) is fairly simple in terms of basic rules and gameplay, setting objectives for the AI to transition to aim for certain end game goals seems fairly complex.

Is anyone aware of any papers, research, or other materials related to this topic?



  1. I think this could be what you are looking for:

    A Mah Jong-Playing Program

    A masters thesis written at the Department of Information Technology

    by Daniel Hellsson

    with supervisors Jan Eric Larsson and Bengt Öhman

    1 September, 2000

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  2. Have a look at AI Mahjong by Wan Jing Loh, December 11th 2009 (PDF).

    In this project, I attempted to
    develop a viable AI Mahjong player, by
    building a hand evaluator that is able
    to accurately calculate how many tiles
    from victory the player is.

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