I’m currently working on deploying multiple workbooks in Azure using Bicep. My goal is to create a resource workbook and deploy multiple instances of it. However, I’ve encountered an issue with the loadTextContent function, which only accepts hard-coded variables because they need to be compile-time constants as per the documentation.
Here is the current Bicep code I’m using:
resource workbook 'Microsoft.insights/workbooks@2021-03-08' = {
name: lawWorkbookName
location: location
kind: 'shared'
properties: {
category: 'workbook'
displayName: lawWorkbookDisplayName
serializedData: loadTextContent('./workbook.json')
sourceId: law.id
tags: {
location: location
logAnalyticsWorkspace: lawName
Now I am trying to find a workaround, because I really do not want to repeat the resource definition. Does someone know how I can define compile time constants in bicep ?
I want to avoid repeating the resource definition for each workbook. Ideally, I would like to define compile-time constants and loop over them to load multiple workbooks. Here’s a conceptual example of what I’m trying to achieve:
I would like to achieve something like this
var stringArray = [
resource workbook 'Microsoft.insights/workbooks@2021-03-08' = {
name: lawWorkbookName
location: location
kind: 'shared'
properties: {
category: 'workbook'
displayName: lawWorkbookDisplayName
serializedData: for i in range(0, length(stringArray)) {
sourceId: law.id
tags: {
location: location
logAnalyticsWorkspace: lawName
Does anyone know how I can define compile-time constants in Bicep to achieve this? Any workarounds or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated.
Additional links: This issue on GitHub
I was able to achieve this using a mapping as follows:
Credits to Wouter. An explanation can be found in his article.
Using placeholders technique can be a workaround for this, injecting contents and other parameters at build time, giving an equivalent of compile-time constants. This is simpler when implementing with CI, where placeholders are slot in at pipeline run. For example is using replacetokens@5 task in Azure DevOps (similarly in other CIs).
Instead of hardcoding the values you pass placeholders, which will be replaced by actual values during pipeline execution.
Tokens values are defined as Azure DevOps Pipeline variables.
Add the ReplaceTokens Task in the Pipeline
You can find your way around this as a workaround