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I am trying to make it so that when a user signs up on my application and confirms their account, that it updates the user mysql database on cpanel. I found that you can use AWS AWS RDS to create a database instance, however it is pretty pricey to use.

Is there a cheaper alternative to insert rows in my remote database through an AWS lambda trigger.



  1. I think you can create lambda function in AWS which will act like api(web hook) for your application.

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  2. You can use cognito lambda triggers to invoke lambda function.
    Cognito lambda triggers support multiple events such as user sign-up and sign-in.

    Since you want to trigger the lambda after the user successfully signs up, you can use the Post confirmation Lambda trigger

    Post confirmation Lambda trigger - Adds custom welcome messages or event logging for custom analytics

    Similar to the example provided in the doc, we can do the same to insert user data into a database.

    exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
      if ( {
        insertIntoDatabase(, function (status) {
          // Return to Amazon Cognito
          callback(null, event);
      } else {
        // Nothing to do, the user's email ID is unknown
        callback(null, event);
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