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Below is the fully functioning code. It works when I call it via the browser. However, I can’t get my Cron job to run it. I have tried coming up with any solution and am open to any ideas that will make this script fire off once every hour 24/7 365 so to speak.


I have tried the following:

When doing any of these I have yet to have it add a sale to the database or send a single email:

  • /opt/php54/bin/php /home1/user/public_html/Sales/scripts/sales-notif_em.php – Could not open input file: /home1/user/public_html/scripts/sales-notif_em.php
  • php /home1/user/public_html/Sales/scripts/sales-notif_em.php – blank email with nothing but this showing: Content-type: text/html
  • php -q /home1/lotscav1/public_html/Sales/scripts/sales_notif_em.php – I don’t get any emails from the system of course
  • /usr/bin/curl home1/user/public_html/scripts/sales-notif_em.php – curl: (3) malformed
  • any command (like php or /usr/bin/curl) that has the second half with http://website.c0m/Sales/scripts/sales_notif_em.php – causes a JSON Error when trying to add the Cron job

I have checked the following things:

  • File permissions are 655
  • Timestamp is less than an hour old under the customers table

Here is my code:

//find out current time and 1 hour ago
$current_time = strtotime("now");
$hour_ago = strtotime('-1 hour');

/////////////////l// Connect to Sales Database  ///////////////////

$mysqli_s = new mysqli("localhost", "user", "password", 
if ($mysqli_s->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli_s->connect_errno . ") 
" . $mysqli_s->connect_error;

///////////////////// Connect to EM Database  ////////////////////

$mysqli_em = new mysqli("localhost", "user", "password", 
if ($mysqli_em->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL_EM: (" . $mysqli_em->connect_errno . 
") " . $mysqli_em->connect_error;

//Grab store name
$dlg_store = "EM";

$em_request = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE date BETWEEN '$hour_ago' 
AND '$current_time'";
$em_result = mysqli_query($mysqli_em, $em_request) or die("Error No 
Sales EM");
while ($em_row = mysqli_fetch_array($em_result)) {
$em_prod_num = $em_row["prod_num"];
$em_receipt = $em_row["receipt"];

///////////////////// Grab info for EM Sales  ////////////////////

$request_s = "SELECT * FROM all_products WHERE 
dlgprod_num='$em_prod_num' AND dlg_store='$dlg_store'";
$result_s = mysqli_query($mysqli_s, $request_s) or die("Error dlg 
prod num EM");
while ($row_s = mysqli_fetch_array($result_s)) {
        $sku_s = $row_s["sku"];
        $dlgprod_num_s = $row_s["dlgprod_num"];
        $book_title_s = addslashes($row_s["book_title"]);
        $dlgprod_price_s = $row_s["dlgprod_price"];
        $author_name_s = addslashes($row_s["author_name"]);
        $author_email_s = $row_s["author_email"];
        $publisher_s = $row_s["publisher"];
        $dlg_store_s = $row_s["dlg_store"];

            $add_sql_s  = "INSERT INTO all_author_sales SET
            `dlgcustomer_receipt`='$em_receipt' ";  

//create signature
$sig = "The Admin Team at";
$admin_email = "[email protected]";
$to = array($author_email_s, $admin_email);

//setup email headers
$headers='From: ' . $admin_email . "rn" .
'Reply-To: ' . $admin_email . "rn" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0rn";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1rn";
$headers .= $emailbody."nn";

//email subject and body
$subject = "Your book stats";
$message = "
Hi $author_name_s,<br />
I just wanted to send you a message and let you know that the book or 
books below have just been purchased.<br /><br />

Store: $dlg_store_s<br />
Receipt: $em_receipt<br />
Sku Number: $sku_s<br /><br />

Book Title: $book_title_s<br />
Publisher: $publisher_s<br />
Product Number: $dlgprod_num_s<br />
Price: $dlgprod_price_s<br /><br />

Sincerely,<br />
$sig<br /><br />

To remove yourself from this notification, please send an email to 
$admin_email with Unsubscribe in the subject line.

            if ($mysqli_s->multi_query($add_sql_s) === TRUE) {
            mail (implode(',', $to), $subject, $message, $headers); 
            } else {
                echo "Error: " . $add_sql_s . "<br>" . $mysqli_s-
>error . "<br>" . $string;






  1. My bet is with wrong path to the php file you want to execute.

    Try using terminal if you can, navigate to the folder where the file is placed and try running it from there via command line.

    Also mind You are refering to two different names: sales-notif_em.php & sales-notif_me.php.

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  2. (Posted on behalf of the OP).

    Thank you for all your help. I made a custom product with my email as the author for testing purposes. In the customers table I inserted products 111111 and 111110. However, in all_products I gave products 11111111 and 11111110. tHE end result is I made a mistake.

    I hope you are able to learn something from this event. Knowledge is more important than my ego. Thank you!

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