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I want download a private repository from bitbucket, but get some error

fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

here my dockerfile

FROM golang:1.17 as build

RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && 
  apt install -y git 
  make openssh-client 


COPY . . 

RUN git config --global url."https://username:[email protected]".insteadOf ""
RUN go mod tidy

RUN go build -o user-management



  1. never do that, you need download the repo outside the docker build command, and use COPY to transfer these files into images, when build

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  2. I think it’s most clean to use an ssh key for that. You can actually tell docker to use the config from your local ssh agent. You need to enable buildkit for this. See the docs.

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
    ssh-add /path/to/ssh-key
    docker build --ssh default --tag example .

    In your Dockerfile, you need to mount this on a specific run instruction:

    RUN --mount=type=ssh go mod download

    That requires you adding the same ssh key to your private bitbucket repo, so that you can use it to download dependencies.

    There are more ways to mount secrets for the lifetime of a run instruction. See the docs.

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  3. For me helped add "machine login USERNAME password APIKEY
    " to $HOME/.netrc

    My Dockerfile:

    FROM golang:latest as builder
    WORKDIR /builder/
    ADD . /builder/
    RUN "${GIT_CONFIG}" > $HOME/.netrc
    && CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o main ./cmd/main.go
    && rm -f $HOME/.netrc
    FROM scratch
    COPY --from=builder /builder/main/ .

    Maybe it will help you.

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