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I’d like to get the text from the <Version> element which is nested inside the <service> block of a WSDL. The WSDL in question is Ebay’s Trading api. The snippet in question looks something like this:

<wsdl:service name="eBayAPIInterfaceService">
    <wsdl:port binding="ns:eBayAPISoapBinding" name="eBayAPI">
        <wsdlsoap:address location=""/>

I’m currently doing this:

$xml = new DOMDocument();
$version = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Version')->item(0)->nodeValue;

This works but I’m wondering if there is a method to get this natively using PHP’s SOAP extension?

I was thinking something like the following would work but it doesn’t:

$client = new SoapClient($this->wsdl);
$version = $client->eBayAPIInterfaceService->Version;



  1. It is not possible to do what you want with the regular SoapClient. Your best bet is to extend the SoapClient class and abstract-away this requirement to get the version.

    Please beware that file_get_contents is not cached so it will always load the WSDL file. On the other hand SoapClient caches the WSDL so you will have to deal with it yourself.

    Perhaps look into NuSOAP. You will be able to modify the code to suit your purposes without loading the WSDL twice (of course you are able to modify SoapClient too but that’s another championship 😉 )

    namespace Application;
    use DOMDocument;
    class SoapClient extends SoapClient {
        private $version = null;
        function __construct($wsdl, $options = array()) {
            $data = file_get_contents($wsdl);
            $xml = new DOMDocument();
            $this->version = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Version')->item(0)->nodeValue;
            // or just use $wsdl :P
            // this is just to reuse the already loaded WSDL
            $data = "data://text/plain;base64,".base64_encode($data);
            parent::__construct($data, $options);
        public function getVersion() {
            return is_null($this->version) ? "Uknown" : $this->version;
    $client = new SoapClient("");
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  2. Have you tried simplexml_load_file? Worked for me when i needed to parse an XML-File with php.

    $file = "/path/to/yourfile.wsdl";
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($file) or die ("Error while loading: ".$file."n");
    echo $xml->service->documentation->Version;
    //if there are more Service-Elements access them via index
    echo $xml->service[index]->documentation->Version;
    //...where index in the number of the service appearing
    //if you count them from top to buttom. So if "eBayAPIInterfaceService"
    //is the third service-Element
    echo $xml->service[2]->documentation->Version;
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