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For four days I have been having trouble connecting to Supabase servers. I have a free plan for the development of my project with Flutter, but for four days, the authentication service has stopped working, I no longer have access to the database from Flutter even though I am well connected to the Supabase board and my project is functional.

This code :
await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp(phone: phoneNumber.value);
Is giving this error: AuthRetryableFetchError, even though my network is working fine.

  1. What should I do?
  2. Can upgrading to a Pro plan resolve my issue?

I need help please

I’m getting getting data from Flutter but only Authentication is no more working.

I tried to update my project, consult the logs, run tests from Flutter but it doesn’t work.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I finally found the error. I had deleted a "subscriptions" table from my database even though there were associated triggers.


    1. I then searched for the triggers associated with this table

    SELECT proname AS function_name, prosrc AS source_code FROM pg_proc JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pg_proc.pronamespace = nsp.oid WHERE prosrc ILIKE '%subscriptions%' AND nspname = 'public';

    I found the function that was using this table 2. then I deleted it and everything is ok now.

    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS handle_new_sub() cascade;

    Thank you community.

  2. I had the same error, but for me it was related to my database.

    Maybe this could help you.

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