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i made this #Swatch( <~) i want to expand it to a flexible layout that can contain unlimited colors for the swatch

    .swatch div:nth-child(1) { background: DeepPink;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(2) { background: cyan;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(3) { background: GreenYellow;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(4) { background: CornflowerBlue;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(5) { background: Coral;}

Thats the values that i want to exponentially increment and manipulate in a nice #CSSGRid that kinda spider webs to my wife phone screen, thats how we talk @normani

`    i=1
    until [ $i -gt 8 ];
     echo ".swatch div:nth-child($i){ background: ;}"

    .swatch div:nth-child(1){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(2){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(3){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(4){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(5){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(6){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(7){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(8){ background: ;}

how do i get the background hex values loaded? im storing them in a file ~>

`    ``` for i in `cat colorvalues.csv`; do echo "$i"; done ``` 
#2c1608... like i want to feed that list like this 
    .swatch div:nth-child(1){ background: #xxxxxx ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(2){ background: #xxxxxx ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(3){ background: #xxxxxx ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(4){ background: #xxxxxx ;}


its supposed to create a bunch of divs i just paste into my css file the divs in the html r empty enter image description here

    until [ $i -gt 8 ];
      echo ".swatch div:nth-child($i){ background: ;}"

    .swatch div:nth-child(1){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(2){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(3){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(4){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(5){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(6){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(7){ background: ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(8){ background: ;}

    ...Program finished with exit code 0
    Press ENTER to exit console.`



  1. You’re close. Maybe something like:

    #set -x
    make_swatches() {
        template=".swatch div:nth-child(%d){ background: %s; }"
        while read swatch; do
            swatches+="$(printf "$templaten" "$counter" "$swatch")"$'n'
            [[ "$counter" -gt "$limit" ]] && break
        done < "$input_file"
        echo "$swatches"
    make_swatches colorvalues.csv 8
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  2. If the main requirement is to take lines from colorvalue.csv and generate a series of .swatch div:... lines:

    cnt=0                     # initialize counter
    while read -r line
        printf ".swatch div:nth-child(%s){ background: %s ;}n" $((++cnt)) "${line}"
    done < colorvalues.csv

    This generates:

    .swatch div:nth-child(1){ background: #9acd32 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(2){ background: #efcc00 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(3){ background: #ffd300 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(4){ background: #ffae42 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(5){ background: #ffef00 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(6){ background: #fefe33 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(7){ background: #0014a8 ;}
    .swatch div:nth-child(8){ background: #2c1608 ;}

    NOTE: I’m guessing this is the desired output since OP hasn’t (yet) provided the expected output

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