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I’m trying to make a Storage Expiration Notification APP.

I create a class called Product, here are the properties.

@NSManaged public var productName: String?
@NSManaged public var quantity: String?
@NSManaged public var category = ["", "Food", "Daily", "Makeup"]
@NSManaged public var chooseCategory: Int16
@NSManaged public var purchaseDate: String?
@NSManaged public var expiredDate: String?
@NSManaged public var productID: String?

But there’s an Error showed that @NSManaged property cannot have an initial value

Hence, I only can move the Category array(use picker controller to choose the values) to ViewContorller.swift. But I want to create a Customize Category array that users can change the value. For instance, the default category is ["Food", "Daily", "Makeup"], users can change the value to ["Drink", "Wine", "Battery"]. Should I use archiving, or create a new class? I have no idea how to implement it.



  1. The Core Data way to do this is by overriding awakeFromInsert. That function is inherited from NSManagedObject and is called once when the object is first inserted into a managed object context. For this case it would look something like

    func awakeFromInsert() {
        category = ["", "Food", "Daily", "Makeup"]

    It doesn’t work in exactly the same way as a Swift initial value but it has the same effect since it happens when you create a new instance.

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  2. The error is right, an @NSManaged property cannot have an initial value.

    A lightweight Swift solution is a JSON string attribute and a computed property for the conversion.

    @NSManaged public var category : String


    var categoryArray : [String] {
        get { (try? JSONDecoder().decode([String].self, from: Data(category.utf8))) ?? [] }
        set {
            let data = try! JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
            category = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!

    Set the default value


    either in awakeFromInsert or in Interface Builder in the model

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