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I try to create form for POST the new user but have a problem.
I use the bootstrap form validation (Browser defaults).
Have a button:

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-addUser" type="submit">Add User</button>

This button also has the function of creating a new post based on the data from the input:

const addUsersBtn = document.querySelector(".btn-addUser");

// кнопка добавления поста в html
addUsersBtn.addEventListener("click", postNewUser);

// Запостить юзера
function postNewUser(e) {
  // записать value из инпутов формы
  const name = form.elements.namedItem("name").value;
  const username = form.elements.namedItem("username").value;
  const email = form.elements.namedItem("email").value;
  const phone = form.elements.namedItem("phone").value;
  const website = form.elements.namedItem("website").value;

  // создать объект нашего юзера из данных записанных в переменные из инпутов формы
  const newPost = {
    name: name,
    username: username,
    email: email,
    phone: phone,
    website: website,
    user_id: `id_${Math.random() * Math.random()}`,

  // создать пост
  createPost(newPost, (response) => {
    const card = newPostTemplate(response);
    container.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", card);

But if i use the function postNewUser validation has not work.
If i delete the "btn-addUser" class from button validation works.
My code from addUser.js file:

// получаем нашу форму
const form = document.forms["addUser"];
// создаём функцию "создать пост"
function createPost(body, callback) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "");
    request.addEventListener("load", () => {
      const response = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
      //   console.log(response);
      if (request.status >= 400) {
      } else {
    request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// шаблон для поста в котором он будет строится
function newPostTemplate(post) {
  const card = document.createElement("div");

  const cardBody = document.createElement("div");

  const userBtn = document.createElement("button");
  userBtn.setAttribute("type", "button");
  userBtn.classList.add("btn", "btn-info", "btn-lg");
  userBtn.setAttribute("data-bs-toggle", "popover");
  userBtn.setAttribute("data-bs-html", "true");
    "Additional information about the user: "
    `Username: ${post.username}<br/>Email: ${}<br/>Phone: ${}<br/> Website: ${}`
  const title = document.createElement("h5");
  title.textContent =;

  return card;
// кнопка добавления поста в html
addUsersBtn.addEventListener("click", postNewUser);
// Запостить юзера
function postNewUser(e) {
  // записать value из инпутов формы
  const name = form.elements.namedItem("name").value;
  const username = form.elements.namedItem("username").value;
  const email = form.elements.namedItem("email").value;
  const phone = form.elements.namedItem("phone").value;
  const website = form.elements.namedItem("website").value;
  // создать объект нашего юзера из данных записанных в переменные из инпутов формы
  const newPost = {
    name: name,
    username: username,
    email: email,
    phone: phone,
    website: website,
    user_id: `id_${Math.random() * Math.random()}`,
  // создать пост
  createPost(newPost, (response) => {
    const card = newPostTemplate(response);
    container.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", card);

I wanna ask some questions:

  1. Can I create two buttons: first button without ‘btn-addUser’ class and second button with ‘btn-addUser’ class? I want to add a button disabled state (bootstrap) and remove them when submit without ‘btn-addUser’ class receives a positive response from validation. After click button with ‘btn-addUser’ this button will be disabled.
    It’s really? I don’t know how to get a positive response from validation.
  2. Or maybe I’m doing garbage and it can be done much simpler?



  1. e.preventDefault() in your submit event handler likely prevents browser to automatically perform its built-in validation checks when the form attempts to submit. You should manuallly check if form is valid using form.checkValidity() like this:

    function postNewUser(e) {
      if (form.checkValidity()) {
        // Form is valid, proceed with creating the new user
        // Add your custom logic here
      } else {
        // Form is invalid, trigger validation UI
        // form.classList.add("was-validated");

    Make sure your form has the necessary Bootstrap validation attributes and classes, such as novalidate on the form element and the appropriate validation classes on the form inputs.

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  2. I am not sure why you are doing things like that, simple validations can also be set if you put the required into it.
    Yes, you can do a lot simpler than this.
    And yes you can use classes or id for it.
    ids are much simpler and unique entities. You can set attribute to disabled or you can hide that button from doing simple styling by display:none;

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