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I am developing an Ionic web application with capacitor and I’m facing an issue regarding the browser’s refresh button. Whenever the refresh button is clicked in the browser, the entire Ionic app reloads, causing a loss of app state and data.

I would like to find a way to prevent the entire Ionic app from reloading when the browser’s refresh button is triggered. Instead, I want only the current page to refresh while preserving the app’s state and data.

I have tried using approaches such as configuring Cordova plugins and listening to the beforeunload event, but these methods do not prevent the app from reloading when the refresh button is clicked.

Is there any recommended solution or workaround to achieve this behavior in Ionic? I would greatly appreciate any insights, suggestions, or code examples that can help me tackle this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance.



  1. When the browser’s refresh button is clicked, it triggers a page reload, which by default results in the entire Ionic app reloading. However, you can use certain techniques to prevent the entire app from reloading and preserve the app’s state and data. Here are a few approaches you can try:

    1. Use Angular’s RouteReuseStrategy: Ionic apps use Angular for routing. By implementing a custom RouteReuseStrategy, you can control whether a route should be reused or reloaded when navigating within your app. You can configure the RouteReuseStrategy to retain the state of specific routes while allowing others to be reloaded on refresh. This way, only the necessary parts of the app will be refreshed while preserving the state of the rest.

    2. Use local storage or a data store: To preserve app state and data across refreshes, you can store critical data in local storage or a data store. By saving and retrieving this data when the app reloads, you can restore the state and continue from where the user left off.

    3. Implement a caching strategy: Use caching techniques to store and retrieve data from previous requests. By caching the necessary resources, such as API responses or other data, you can reduce the reliance on server requests during reloads and maintain the app’s functionality.

    4. Handle the beforeunload event: You can capture the beforeunload event and prompt the user with a confirmation dialog when they attempt to refresh the page. This allows you to warn the user about potential data loss and give them the option to proceed with the refresh or stay on the current page.

    It’s worth noting that while these techniques can help preserve the app’s state and prevent a complete reload, there may still be scenarios where some data is lost or certain components need to be reinitialized. Therefore, it’s important to carefully design and handle the app’s state management to ensure a smooth user experience even in situations where the page is refreshed.

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  2. You cannot prevent the entire Ionic app from reloading when the browser’s refresh button is triggered.

    If you want to preserve the app’s state and data after a refresh, then you need to use some type of storage. Ionic provides @capacitor/preferences, that handles this great.

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