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I am working on a small Web-development project, express with pug as the view-engine, for my University-course. I wish to iterate through an array of Weather-stations, creating a route for every one, with a details-page where the value of the array is displayed.

var i = 0;
while(stations[i]!= null){
    app.get('/'+stations[i]["name"], (req, res) => {
        res.render("DetailsTemplate", {Station: stations[i]})
    console.log(`detailsPageRunning on ` + '/' + stations[i]["name"] + ' '+ i);
block content

                h2 #{}
                h2 Wetter
                p #{}
                h2 Temperatur
                p #{} Grad
                h2 Wind
                p #{} bft.
                h2 Luftdruck
                p #{} bpa

Now the routes are created just as i want them to, and the page is able to render fine, if i give it, through every iteration, the same array. For example Station: stations[0] works fine. It is just kinda useless if i cant have different values on every route. Why does Station: stations[i] not work? What would i have to change for it to work?

I have tried using other arrays, to see weather the problem was with the array, but those showed the same problem.



  1. Your code has set the basis, the code below code clarifies certain points in it. Please see if it is useful. The code employs an array of route paths. There is another method using a route parameter, posted separately.

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    // sample data
    const stations = [
      { name: 's-one', readings: [{ wetter: 10, temp: 4, wind: 1, luftdruck: 5 }] },
        name: 's-two',
        readings: [{ wetter: 12, temp: 14, wind: 13, luftdruck: 3 }],
    // array of route paths e.g. [/s-one, /s-two]
    const routepaths = => '/' +;
    // route paths in array
    app.get(routepaths, (req, res, next) => {
      // finding station with respect to the given request
      const station = stations[routepaths.findIndex((i) => i == req.url)];
      if (station) {
        // call render here as this
        //res.render('DetailsTemplate', { Station: station });
        // this send is just for testing this sample code
    // This a catch-all middleware
    // it is required in case an invalid request is made
    app.use((req, res, next) => {
      res.status(404).send('Route not found');
    // this is the custom error handler
    app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
      res.status(500).send(`Some error : ${err.message}`);
    app.listen(3000, () => console.log('L@3000'));

    Testing a valid request:

       Request:  curl http://localhost:3000/s-one
       Response: {"name":"s-one","readings":[{"wetter":10,"temp":4,"wind":1,"luftdruck":5}]}

    Testing an invalid request:

       Request: curl http://localhost:3000/s-onex
       Response: Route not found
    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. The code below shows addressing the requirement using a route parameter. The other post uses an array of route paths.

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    // sample data
    const stations = [
      { name: 's-one', readings: [{ wetter: 10, temp: 4, wind: 1, luftdruck: 5 }] },
        name: 's-two',
        readings: [{ wetter: 12, temp: 14, wind: 13, luftdruck: 3 }],
    // a route parameter is in use
    app.get('/:stationname', (req, res, next) => {
      const routename = req.params.stationname;
      // finding the station details with respect to the route parameter
      const station = stations.find((station) => == routename);
      if (station) {
        // call render here as the below code
        // res.render('DetailsTemplate', { Station: station });
        // this send is just for testing purpose
      } else {
        // throw error for invalid requests
        next(new Error('Invalid station'));
    // This is a custom error handler
    app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
      res.send(`Some Error : ${err.message} `);
    app.listen(3000, () => console.log('L@3000'));

    Testing a valid route parameter

    Request: curl http://localhost:3000/s-one
    Response: {"name":"s-one","readings":[{"wetter":10,"temp":4,"wind":1,"luftdruck":5}]}%  

    Testing an invalid route parameter

    Request: curl http://localhost:3000/s-onex
    Response: Some Error : Invalid station
    Login or Signup to reply.
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