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I have input type which is span. And I want to calculate between two text. So I tried implementing like below. But the alert is always coming 0

function ValidateFormFTTX(ApproveRejectSave) {

  var acceptedUG = parseInt($('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted').text());
  var TotalUG = parseInt($('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly').text());
  var offerUG = parseInt($('#FEUGLEG_txt').val());


  var calculatedUG = (parseFloat(TotalUG) + parseFloat(offerUG).toFixed(4));

<td class="tdWidth disableField">
  <span id="FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly" class="text-center"></span>

<td class="tdWidth disableField">
  <span id="FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted" class="text-center"></span>

<td class="tdWidth"><input id="FEUGLEG_txt" type="text" class="text-center" value="0" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event, this);" maxlength="6" /></td>



  1. Make sure that this script is executed after the DOM has fully loaded. You can wrap your code inside a document ready function like this:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        // Your code`enter code here`
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  2. Please try like below. change val() to value

    function ValidateFormFTTX(ApproveRejectSave) {
        var acceptedUG = parseInt($('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted').text());
        var TotalUG = parseInt($('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly').text());
        var offerUG = parseInt($('#FEUGLEG_txt').value);
        var calculatedUG = (parseFloat(TotalUG) + parseFloat(offerUG).toFixed(4));
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  3. You can use a number field instead of a text field. Also, you never called your ValidateFormFTTX function.

    Note: I added a jQuery debounce plugin to limit the number of times the validation is called upon input.

    $('#FEUGLEG_txt').on('input', $.debounce(250, (e) => {
    function ValidateFormFTTX(ApproveRejectSave) {
      // Unused
      const acceptedUG = parseFloat($('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted').text());
      const totalUG = parseFloat($('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly').text());
      const offerUG = $('#FEUGLEG_txt').get(0).valueAsNumber;
      const calculatedUG = (totalUG + offerUG).toFixed(4);
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
          <td class="tdWidth disableField">
            <span id="FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly" class="text-center">100</span>
          <td class="tdWidth disableField">
            <span id="FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted" class="text-center">5</span>
          <td class="tdWidth">
            <input id="FEUGLEG_txt" type="number" class="text-center" value="0" max="999999" />
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  4. You are not executing ValidateFormFTTX, only the function isNumberKey which you did not provide.

    I recommend to not use inline event handlers.

    Also you have the toFixed in the wrong place

    Alternatively use type="number" on the field

    Here is working code

    function ValidateFormFTTX(event) {
      let acceptedUG = $('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted').text();
      let TotalUG = $('#FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly').text();
      let offerUG = $('#FEUGLEG_txt').val();
      var calculatedUG = (parseFloat(TotalUG) + parseFloat(offerUG)).toFixed(4); // the toFixed needs to be after the sum
      if (offerUG === 0) {
        alert('Please enter an offer')
        event.preventDefault(); // stop submission
      // do whatever 
    $(function() { // on page load
      $("#approvalForm").on("submit", ValidateFormFTTX);
      $('#FEUGLEG_txt').on("input", function() {
        // Replace any non-digit character with an empty string
        this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
    <script src=""></script>
    <form id="approvalForm">
            <td class="tdWidth disableField">
              <span id="FEUGLEG_txtReadOnly" class="text-center">10</span>
            <td class="tdWidth disableField">
              <span id="FEUGLEG_txtReadOnlyAccepted" class="text-center">20</span>
            <td class="tdWidth"><input id="FEUGLEG_txt" type="text" class="text-center" value="0" maxlength="6" /></td>
      <input type="submit" />
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