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I am trying to read a csv file into a dataframe to transform that into nested jsons. The deliminter in the csv file is ‘;’. After loading the data into a dataframe, following is what I get:

name frequency frequency_start_date frequency_count schedule_type day_of_week Comments
Pattern 1 daily 2022-02-01 1 weekdays Monday null
Pattern 2 daily 2024-01-01 1, 5 weekdays, weekdays Monday, Tuesday null, null
Pattern 3 daily 2021-03-21 1, 2 weekdays, weekdays Thursday,Friday null, null

This is the code I wrote to load the csv as a dataframe:

df1_data = pd.read_csv(csv1, delimiter=';', keep_default_na=False, dtype=object)

This is the code I wrote to transform the dataframe into json:

nested_cols = ['frequency_count', 'schedule_type', 'day_of_week']

df1_data['patterns'] = df1_data[nested_cols].to_dict('records')

df1_nested2 = df1_data[['name', 'frequency', 'frequency_start_date', 'patterns', 'comments']].to_json(orient='records', indent=4)

When I run this, I get the following:

        "name": "Pattern 1",
        "frequency": "daily",
        "frequency_start_date": "2022-02-01",
        "patterns": {
            "frequency_count": "1",
            "schedule_type": "weekdays",
            "day_of_week": null
        "comments": null
        "name": "Pattern 2",
        "frequency": "daily",
        "frequency_start_date": "2024-01-01",
        "patterns": {
            "frequency_count": "1, 5",
            "schedule_type": "weekdays,weekdays",
            "day_of_week": "null, null"
        "comments": null
        "name": "Pattern 3",
        "frequency": "daily",
        "frequency_start_date": "2021-03-21",
        "patterns": {
            "frequency_count": "1, 2",
            "schedule_type": "weekdays,weekdays",
            "day_of_week": "null, null"
        "comments": null

But this is what I want:

        "name": "Pattern 1",
        "frequency": "daily",
        "frequency_start_date": "2022-02-01",
        "patterns": {
            "frequency_count": "1",
            "schedule_type": "weekdays",
            "day_of_week": null
        "comments": null
        "name": "Pattern 2",
        "frequency": "daily",
        "frequency_start_date": "2024-01-01",
        "patterns": {
            "frequency_count": 1,
            "schedule_type": "weekdays",
            "day_of_week": null
            "frequency_count": 5,
            "schedule_type": "weekdays",
            "day_of_week": null
        "comments": null
        "name": "Pattern 3",
        "frequency": "daily",
        "frequency_start_date": "2021-03-21",
        "patterns": {
            "frequency_count": 1,
            "schedule_type": "weekdays",
            "day_of_week": null
            "frequency_count": 2,
            "schedule_type": "weekdays",
            "day_of_week": null
        "comments": null

This is where I am stuck. Is this an issue with csv into dataframe? Or dataframe into json? It seems that the columns where there are multiple values are read as strings. I read questions posted at StackOverflow but none of them actually had this issue or answers did not help me to solve this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks to @BeRT2me, the final code for this is the following:

    nested_cols = ['frequency_count', 'schedule_type', 'day_of_week']
    # splitting the strings in nested columns
    for col in nested_cols:
        df1_data[col] = df1_data[col].str.split(',')
    #exploding the columns
    #changed the frequency_count type to int as a number is always expected
    df1_data['frequency_count'] = df1_data['frequency_count'].astype(int)
    df1_data['patterns'] = df1_data[nested_cols].to_dict("records")
    # Using @BeRT2me response:
    output = df.pivot_table(
    index=["name", "frequency", "frequency_start_date", "Comments"], 
    aggfunc=list).reset_index().to_json(orient="records", indent=4)
    # replacing the string "null" by null in json
    df1_nested = df1_nested.replace('"null"', 'null')

    The output is:

                "weekend_type":" Western",
                "annual_reset":" No",
                "fixed_day_of_week":" null",
                "effective_start_date":" 2020-12-31",
                "effective_end_date":" 2021-12-31"
                "weekend_type":" Western",
                "annual_reset":" No",
                "effective_start_date":" 2022-03-31",
                "effective_end_date":" null"


  2. Given:

            name frequency frequency_start_date frequency_count       schedule_type      day_of_week    Comments
    0  Pattern 1     daily           2022-02-01               1            weekdays           Monday         NaN
    1  Pattern 2     daily           2024-01-01            1, 5  weekdays, weekdays  Monday, Tuesday  null, null
    2  Pattern 3     daily           2021-03-21            1, 2  weekdays, weekdays  Thursday,Friday  null, null


    1. Convert the strings to lists:
    multi_cols = ["frequency_count", "schedule_type", "day_of_week", "Comments"]
    for col in multi_cols:
        df[col] = df[col].str.split(", ?") # regex
    1. Explode these columns:
    df = df.explode(multi_cols)
    1. Make this patterns column and fix the Comments column:
    df["patterns"] = df[["frequency_count", "schedule_type", "day_of_week"]].to_dict("records")
    df["Comments"] = df["Comments"].fillna("null")
    1. Pivot and export to json:
    output = df.pivot_table(
        index=["name", "frequency", "frequency_start_date", "Comments"], 
    ).reset_index().to_json(orient="records", indent=4)


            "name":"Pattern 1",
            "name":"Pattern 2",
            "name":"Pattern 3",
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