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I saw some questions about, people say to run this command

ln -s ../storage/app/public public/storage

And it works, it copies the folder, but it doesn’t update when another file/image is added to the storage folder, you have to run the command again to be able to get it.

How do I make it equal to Laravel, that the public folder is always ‘copying’ the storage files?

Version: "laravel/lumen-framework": "^8.3.1",
"league/flysystem": "1.1"



  1. First, make sure the storage/app/public folder exists. if not, please create a new one.

    Then run:

    ln -sfv ~/path/to/storage/app/public ~/path/to/public/storage

    Then, move files at storage/app/public

    Now you should be able to access assets like this:



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  2. Lumen/Laravel way to create symlink:

        ->link(storage_path('app/public'), rtrim(app()->basePath('public/storage/'), '/'));

    updated. Create a command example:

    php artisan make:command FilesLinkCommand

    then next file will be created: app/Console/Commands/FilesLinkCommand.php

    Open it and change some thingth:

    1. better command signature:
      protected $signature = 'files:link';

    2. command description: protected $description = 'Create symlink link for files';

    3. command code, update method handle():

    public function handle(): void
        // check if exists public/storage
        if ( file_exists(app()->basePath('public/storage/')) ) {
            $this->error("Symlink exists!");
        // check if exists storage/app/public
        if ( !file_exists(storage_path('app/public')) ) {
            $this->error("Storage folder [app/public] not exists!");
        // actually, we can create folders if not exists
        // using mkdir() php function, or File::makeDirectory()
        // but the second one still uses mkdir() behind the scene
            ->link(storage_path('app/public'), rtrim(app()->basePath('public/storage/'), '/'));
        $this->info("Symlink created!");

    That’s all we need!

    Using: php artisan files:link

    If command run first time you will see message Symlink created, next time it will be changed to Symlink exists!

    php function symlink() can do the same

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