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`I am trying to write an aggregator query for the complex DB document below, ideally i am looking for creating multiple streams from the given activities set, identifying the parent child hierarchy and recursively processing the input document.

Title: Aggregator Query for Identifying Workflow Streams in Hierarchical Document


I’m trying to write an aggregation query in MongoDB to process a complex document representing a set of activities with parent-child relationships. The goal is to identify multiple workflows (streams) from this data.

Input Document:

    "id": "123",
    "activities": [
        "activityId": "A1",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "A2"
            "activityId": "A7"
        "activityId": "A2",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "A3"
        "activityId": "A3",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "A4"
        "activityId": "A4",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "A5"
        "activityId": "A4",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "A6"
        "activityId": "A6",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "A5",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "A7",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "B1",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "B2"
            "activityId": "B3"
        "activityId": "B2",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "B3",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "C1",
        "children": []
    "id": "897",
    "activities": [
        "activityId": "X1",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "X2"
            "activityId": "X7"
        "activityId": "X2",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "X3"
        "activityId": "X3",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "X4"
        "activityId": "X4",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "X5"
        "activityId": "X4",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "X6"
        "activityId": "X6",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "X5",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "X7",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "Y1",
        "children": [
            "activityId": "Y2"
            "activityId": "Y3"
        "activityId": "Y2",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "Y3",
        "children": []
        "activityId": "Z1",
        "children": []

** Aggregator query: **

    "$match": {
      "activities.children": []
    "$graphLookup": {
      "from": "collection",
      "startWith": "$activities.activityId",
      "connectFromField": "activities.activityId",
      "connectToField": "activities.children.activityId",
      "as": "workflowStreams"
    "$set": {
      "workflowStreams": {
        "$setUnion": [
    "$group": {
      "_id": "$id",
      "workflowStreams": {
        "$push": "$workflowStreams"

** Expected Response **

    "id": "123",
    "workflowStreams": [
    "id": "897",
    "workflowStreams": [



  1. The most seamless way to reuse the solution from your previous question I can think of is to create a database view to "flatten" the activities entries into individual documents. You can then perform the same query as before.

    db.runCommand( { create: "activityView", viewOn: "streams", pipeline: [
            $match: {
                // put your criteria here
                id: "123"
            $unwind: "$activities"
            $replaceRoot: {
                newRoot: "$activities"
    ]} )

    Then, you can reuse the same solution on the view.

        "$match": {
          "children": []
        "$graphLookup": {
          "from": "collection",
          "startWith": "$activityId",
          "connectFromField": "activityId",
          "connectToField": "children.activityId",
          "as": "workflowStreams"
        "$set": {
          "workflowStreams": {
            "$setUnion": [
        "$group": {
          "_id": "",
          "workflowStreams": {
            "$push": "$workflowStreams"

    I would like to reemphasize the importance of refactoring your schema as in the comments. Currently, you are prone to a potential 16MB single document size limit breach, various performance issues and query complexity.

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  2. This query should produce a response similar to the one expected:

        $unwind: "$activities" 
        $graphLookup: {
          from: "collection",
          startWith: "$activities.activityId",
          connectFromField: "activities.activityId",
          connectToField: "activities.children.activityId",
          as: "workflowStream",
          restrictSearchWithMatch: { "id": "$id" }  
        $set: {
          workflowStream: {
            $setUnion: [ ["$activities.activityId"], "$workflowStream.activities.activityId" ]
        $group: {
          _id: "$id",
          workflowStreams: {
            $addToSet: "$workflowStream"
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