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update h1b_data set RECEIVED_DATE = str_to_date(RECEIVED_DATE, "%d%m%Y");

h1b_data is table name and RECEIVED_DATE is column name.

trying to update the date-format according to the MySQL’s original format.
but getting

Error Code: 1411. Incorrect datetime value: ’26-09-2021′ for function str_to_date



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    if your column data is having dash or hyphen or slash in between date,month and year then include it in the command without fail, for ex. 2021-09-26

    solution command--> update h1b_data set RECEIVED_DATE = str_to_date(RECEIVED_DATE, "%d-%m-%Y");

  2. You get this error message because the input string '26-09-2021' does not match the expected format "%d%m%Y". If you use this format then the value should be '26092021'. Either change the input to '26092021' so it matches the format "%d%m%Y" or change the format to "%d-%m-%Y" so it matches the input string '26-09-2021'.

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