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I’m trying to get the maximum value of calories consumed per day. I can’t figure out how to get a query result which I imagine to just be 1 row for each date, with a column containing the value for the total calories in each day.

Current MySQL query result here The value with red asterisk next to it is the value I want for each day.

with meals_in_day as

select *, 
row_number() over (partition by meal_date order by meal_name ) as meals_through_day,
sum(calories) over (partition by meal_date order by meal_name ) as incremental_calories
from calories_data

select *
from meals_in_day;

I got so far as summing the calories partitioned by meals each day, but I’m stuck from here. Hoping someone is able to help me reach my desired query result.

Thanks in advance!



  1. To get the maximum value (which would be the total for the day), you can use a subquery that selects the maximum incremental_calories for each day.

    WITH meals_in_day AS (
            SUM(calories) OVER (PARTITION BY meal_date ORDER BY meal_name) AS incremental_calories
        FROM calories_data
        MAX(incremental_calories) AS total_calories
    FROM meals_in_day
    GROUP BY meal_date;
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  2. This can be done with one select like this:

            MAX(SUM(calories)) OVER (PARTITION BY meal_date) AS total_calories
        FROM calories_data
    group by meal_date

    Hope it helps.

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