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I have generated the following table from SQL database:

First_User  Second_User Count
User1       NULL        427
User3       NULL        69
User2       NULL        499
User1       User1       1
User4       User2       48
User5       User2       13

I want to create this table from the above table:

User    Count
User1   429
User2   560
User3   69
User4   48
User5   13

Match first two column values and add the third column. I am aware to do it in python but how can I do it in SQL.

In pandas, it can be done using:

df = df.groupby(['User1', 'User2'])['Count'].sum().reset_index()

Thanks in advance.



  1. This can be done using UNION ALL to combine both columns into a single column, then apply GROUP BY and the aggregate function SUM() to get the expected output:

    SELECT User, SUM(Count) AS TOTAL
    FROM (
      SELECT First_User AS User, Count
      FROM mytable
      WHERE First_User  IS NOT NULL
      SELECT Second_User, Count
      FROM mytable
      WHERE Second_User  IS NOT NULL
    ) AS s
    GROUP BY User;

    Result :

    User    TOTAL
    User1   429
    User2   560
    User3   69
    User4   48
    User5   13

    Demo here

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  2. This actually requires a double aggregation union query.

    SELECT User, SUM(Count) AS Count
        SELECT First_User AS User, SUM(Count) AS Count
        FROM yourTable
        WHERE First_User IS NOT NULL
        GROUP BY First_User
        UNION ALL
        SELECT Second_User, SUM(Count)
        FROM yourTable
        WHERE Second_User IS NOT NULL
        GROUP BY Second_User
    ) t
    GROUP BY User
    ORDER BY User;

    screen capture from demo link below


    Each half of the union aggregates by either the first or second user to get the sum of the counts (as a user might appear more than once). The outer query then aggregates by user to find the totals.

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