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Is there any way to combine oscommerce with wordpress.Basically i need to combine joomla, oscommerce and wordpress into a single domain and use a unique template for all.also i want to introduce single sign on for all the it possible? please help.



  1. You may use wordpress for joomla which integrates wordpress into joomla and installs as a component into joomla. Description from their site:

    We’ve combined the most popular blogging platform (WordPress) with the
    most popular CMS (Joomla!) to create the most powerful blogging
    component ever made for Joomla!.

    Introducing WordPress for Joomla!: an exciting new component for
    Joomla! that integrates WordPress into your blog!

    Packed with all of WordPress’s professional blogging tools (plus a few
    surprises of our own!), you can now harness the power of WordPress
    without ever leaving Joomla!. It’s a Joomla! blogger’s new best

    For oscommerce integration there is this The josC! Project: osCommerce and Joomla Bridge project.Get a copy from here There are plenty enough powerful shop builders for joomla and you may search for them on JED

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  2. Wel you can try marvikshop. That’s a oscommerce component for joomla. You can download it here

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