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How can I show up the button of paypal in vuejs? I already tried these below, it shows build successfull but the button does not show up. And bdw the input field shows, only the button not.

Is this really impossible to happen, paypal in vuejs?

    <div id="container">
        <input type="text" class="form-control">
        <div id="paypal-button"></div>

<script src=""></script>
    export default {
        mounted() {
                env: 'sandbox',
                client: {
                    sandbox: 'ARQ-WKAkFn3g4C111Ud3lLaUAfzagvJ_pmkLKBVMASvv6nyjX3fv3j0gtBdJEDhRPznYP9sLtf9oiJfH',
                    production: 'EFNo9sAyqiOmnlRHsAdXiGBf6ULysEIfKUVsn58Pq6ilfGHVFn03iVvbWtfiht-irdJD_df1MECvmBC2'

                locale: 'en_US',
                style: {
                    size: 'medium',
                    color: 'gold',
                    shape: 'pill',

                commit: true,

                payment: function(data, actions) {
                    return actions.payment.create({
                        transactions: [{
                            amount: {
                                total: '11',
                                currency: 'USD'

                onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {
                    return actions.payment.execute().then(function() {
                        window.alert('Thank you for your purchase!');
            }, '#paypal-button');

            console.log('notification mounted');

Error in my console:

ReferenceError: “paypal is not defined”

I also tried other functions created(), and init() but still doesn’t show.



  1. because your paypal variable is not described.

    use this


    npm i vue-paypal-checkout


    import PayPal from 'vue-paypal-checkout'

    and now PayPal is your variable and it is described

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  2. It shows you these ReferenceError: "paypal is not defined" because you fail to import the js file of paypal.

    So here’s how you do it, first install npm:

    npm install --save-dev vue-plugin-load-script

    And add these code inside your app.js:

    import LoadScript from 'vue-plugin-load-script';

    And you can now import the js file of paypal and execute the paypal codes:

    Vue.loadScript("").then(() => {
        mounted() {
                env: 'sandbox',
                client: {
                    sandbox: 'ARQ-WKAkFn3g4C111Ud3lLaUAfzagvJ_pmkLKBVMASvv6nyjX3fv3j0gtBdJEDhRPznYP9sLtf9oiJfH',
                    production: 'EFNo9sAyqiOmnlRHsAdXiGBf6ULysEIfKUVsn58Pq6ilfGHVFn03iVvbWtfiht-irdJD_df1MECvmBC2'
                locale: 'en_US',
                style: {
                    size: 'medium',
                    color: 'gold',
                    shape: 'pill',
                commit: true,
                payment: function(data, actions) {
                    return actions.payment.create({
                        transactions: [{
                            amount: {
                                total: '11',
                                currency: 'USD'
                onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {
                    return actions.payment.execute().then(function() {
                        window.alert('Thank you for your purchase!');
            }, '#paypal-button');
            console.log('notification mounted');

    full documentation

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  3. Also you can use vue-head it loads the script only in the component or view you need it:


    npm install vue-head

    Configure globally main.js

    import VueHead from "vue-head";

    and then call it in your component:

    <paypalbutton :import="totalImport" />
    name: "myComponent",
    components: {
      data() {
        return {
          totalImport: "835"
      head: {
        script: [
            type: "text/javascript",
            src: "",

    The paypal button file looks like this:

      <div id="paypal-button"></div>
    export default {
      props: ["import"],
      mounted() {
        const totalImport = this.import;
        const ClientID =
            env: "sandbox",
            client: {
              sandbox: ClientID,
            locale: "en_US",
            style: {
              layout: "vertical",
              size: "responsive",
              color: "gold",
              shape: "pill",
              label: "pay",
            commit: true,
            payment: function (data, actions) {
              return actions.payment.create({
                transactions: [
                    description: "My happy shipping",
                    amount: {
                      total: totalImport,
                      currency: "USD",
            onAuthorize: function (data, actions) {
              return actions.payment.execute().then(function () {
                window.alert("Thank you for your purchase!");
        console.log("Paypal button loaded");
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  4. In 2021, I recommend having a look at their new official npm package at, so you can do:

      <div id="paypal-button-container"></div>
    import { loadScript } from '@paypal/paypal-js';
    async mounted() {
      const paypalSdk = await loadScript({
        'client-id': 'YOUR_ID',
        currency: 'GBP',
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