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I’am working on Angular 6 E-Commerce project and integrating PayPal payment to it. I’ve added the paypal button in html where I’am getting amount in [(ngModel)], but, I’ve to pass it in component file so that it can be read in paypal config. Any better or alternative solution is highly praised

Following are the files:

  1. shopping-cart-summary.html
<div *ngIf="cart$ | async as cart">
  <input type="number" [(ngModel)]="cart.totalPrice">
  <div id="paypal-checkout-btn"></div> 
  1. shopping-cart-summary.ts
totalPrice: number;

public ngAfterViewChecked(): void {
  const elementExists: boolean = !!document.getElementById('paypal-checkout-btn');
  if(elementExists && !this.addScript) {
    this.addPaypalScript().then(() => {
        client: {
            sandbox: 'My sandbox API',
        payment: (data, actions) => {
            return actions.payment.create({
                payment: {
                  transactions: [
                        amount: {
                            total:    this.totalPrice,
                            currency: 'USD'
                        payee:{email:'My Email ID'},
        commit: true,
        locale: 'en_US',
        style: {
            size:   'medium', // tiny, small, medium
            color:  'blue', // orange, blue, silver
            shape:  'pill'    // pill, rect
        env: 'sandbox', // Optional: specify 'sandbox' or 'production'
        onAuthorize: (data, actions) => {
            return actions.payment.execute().then((payment) => {
                console.log('payment 1 completed!');
        onCancel: (data) => {
            console.log('payment 1 was cancelled!');
    }, '#paypal-checkout-btn');
      this.paypalLoad = false;

Here I’am getting value in [(ngModel)] as $182 which I want to pass it in component file, so how to do it? Any suggestions??

Here is the screenshot of the total price of products
enter image description here



  1. Instead of totalPrice: number; in your component.ts use cert = {“totalPrice”: 0};
    Else use totalPrice in your component.html instead of cert.totalPrice.

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  2. As cart$ is an observable, you will either need to subscribe to it to get the value or use it in a pipeable operator.

    Try this:

    cart$: Observable<any>;
    totalPrice: number;
    public ngAfterViewChecked(): void {
        const elementExists: boolean = !!document.getElementById('paypal-checkout-btn');
        cart$.subscribe((cart: any) => {
            this.totalPrice = cart.totalPrice;
      if(elementExists && !this.addScript && this.totalPrice) {
        this.addPaypalScript().then(() => {
                client: {
                    sandbox: 'My sandbox API',
                payment: (data, actions) => {
                    return actions.payment.create({
                        payment: {
                            transactions: [
                                    amount: {
                                        total: this.totalPrice,
                                        currency: 'USD'
                                    payee: { email: 'My Email ID' },
                commit: true,
                locale: 'en_US',
                style: {
                    size: 'medium', // tiny, small, medium
                    color: 'blue', // orange, blue, silver
                    shape: 'pill'    // pill, rect
                env: 'sandbox', // Optional: specify 'sandbox' or 'production'
                onAuthorize: (data, actions) => {
                    return actions.payment.execute().then((payment) => {
                        console.log('payment 1 completed!');
                onCancel: (data) => {
                    console.log('payment 1 was cancelled!');
            }, '#paypal-checkout-btn');
            this.paypalLoad = false;
    Login or Signup to reply.
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